Review of the Relationship between Information Technology System and Creativity of Educational Staff at Schools
Subject Areas : Infomartion TechnologySajjad Emamvirdi 1 , Jafar Ghahramani 2 , Maryam Emamvirdi 3
1 - Young Researchers and Elite Club, Islamic Azad University, Marand Branch, Marand, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Marand Branch, Marand, Iran
3 - M.A. Graduate in Educational Administration, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Keywords: Innovation, creativity, Information Technology Systems, Flexibility, Educational Staff,
Abstract :
The goal of this research was to investigate the relationship between IT System and creativity of principals and teachers in boy public high school at Khoy city. The research method was descriptive and its type was correlational. All principals and teachers were the statistical population of the research (270 individuals), among which 40 principals were selected by census method and 100 teachers were selected randomly. Two questionnaires were used for gathering the data, whose face and content validity was confirmed by the experts. Reliability of questionnaires was estimated for IT systems (0.89) and creativity (0.87). To test the hypotheses, parametric tests - simple regression and Pearson correlation coefficient tests - were used. Results showed that all of the creativity components (Fluidity, flexibility, expandability and innovation) have a significant relationship with IT systems. Regression results indicated that IT systems, with expression factor 0.546 and Beta factor 0.515, had positive effect on creativity of principals and teachers. It is, therefore, concluded that there is a strong relationship between information technology system and creativity and that implementation of modern information systems at schools is among the most important factors for creativity and flexibility, as well as fostering new ideas among educational staff. It is also an important substrate for establishing learning schools.
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