A Comparative Study of the Impact of Developments of Syria and Iraq on Regional Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
mohammadjavad fathi
elham rasooli
milad khosravinezhad
1 - PhD student in political science, trends futures Islamic Revolution, Shahed University
2 - yazd university
3 - Graduated from International Relations at Allameh Tabataba'i University
Keywords: Iran, regional security, Turkey, the Copenhagen school, developments in Syria and Iraq, Keywords: Regionalism,
Abstract :
Abstract: Nowadays regionalism is one of the requirements of active foreign policy. Keeping eyes on the developments in the peripheral region and their specific interest there guides the government to pursue suitable regional policies. Countries try to use their regional role and available opportunities to further their international position. Iran and Turkey as two regional powers and having important place among the Middle East countries are seeking to increase their regional role. The development which started from 2011 in Syria and later in 2013 in Iraq had great impact on regional policies of Iran and Turkey. The question raised by the present article is “what has been the impact of Syria and Iraq on regional policy of Iran and Turkey?” the hypothesis is “ the regional development in the said period have provided common opportunities and challenges for both the country and have strengthen the geopolitical look of Iran and Turkey”. The article has used Copenhagen framework named regional security suite theory and has categorized the opportunities and challenges in three determinants; namely mutual security interdependence, pattern of friendship and enmity and cultural and race affinities. The finding of the study shows that political, ideological and economic opportunities and security, economic challenges have strengthened the regional policy of Iran and Turkey after the said regional developments. The methodology used in the paper is descriptive-analytical
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