The impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic on the institutional order and Parameters of International Political Economy
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
behnam vakili
saeed mirtorabi
1 - Faculty of Law and Political, Kharazmi University
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Kharazmi University
Keywords: International Political Economy, covid 19, Pandemic, Institutional Order, Economic Powers,
Abstract :
Covid 19 threatens all aspects of the world community. It is not yet clear to what extent it can affects the international system. Therefore, the present article, in order to understand the consequences of this epidemic on international political economy, intends to answer the question of how the Covid 19 pandemic has affected the pillars of institutional order in the field of international political economy? In order to answer this question, the hypothesis has been tested is that the Covid 19 pandemic, by disrupting the flows of production, trade and international capital, has the prospect of shifting the position of the great economic powers in these areas and widening the North-South divide. The findings of the article show that the position of the great powers in the post-corona world economic order depends on their ability to effectively deal with these disorders and take advantage of new opportunities resulting from the disruption of the current order. East Asian economies, especially China, are moving in this direction. Hence, the post-Corona world can be considered a step forward for the global economic order to become more Asian and Chinese.
سلیمی، حسین )1386(، نظر ی هها ی گوناگون درباره جهانیشدن، تهران :انتشارات سمت .
,Aaronصباغیان، علی. )1399(. تأثیر بحران کرونا بر همبستگی اتحادیه اروپا . پژوهشهای راهبردی سیاست ،