(Impact of Security Dilemma on Rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia)
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
ebrahim eram
amin ravanbod
1 - Department of Political Science, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran
2 - Department of Political Sciences, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran
Keywords: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Security Dilemma, Rational Theory of International Relations, Rivalry,
Abstract :
Authors of this research have tried to understand the role of security dilemma in the context of Iran-Saudi Arabia Rivalry. The main question is that how security dilemma has impacted the rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The main hypothesis is that the severity of security dilemma has exacerbated the rivalry and tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia. It is tried to define an explanatory status of security dilemma and its level of impact on this rivalry in the pre- and post-Islamic Revolution era. The research method of this paper is descriptive-analytical with emphasis on theoretical analysis. This research, based on rational theory of international relations, finds that security dilemma between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the post-Islamic Revolution era is much more severe than pre-Islamic Revolution but the moderate level of security dilemma between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the pre-Islamic Revolution had a determining impact on lack of deep and serious cooperation between the two countries. The severe level of security dilemma between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the post-Islamic Revolution era has had a facilitating impact on rivalry between the two countries.
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