The Impact of New Social Media on the Yemeni Conflict (2020-2011)
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsfereshteh bahramipoor 1 , azadeh olfati 2 , Najva hazeri 3
1 - Esfahan university
2 - Political Science Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University of Kermanshah
3 - Mazandaran University
Keywords: Yemen, social media, social construction of technology, social construction of Yemen, escalation of conflicts,
Abstract :
Social construction of technology is one of the ideas raised in the field of technology, which is less considered in the analysis of issues. This theory is concerned with the social construction of societies and the role of technology in this social construction. The Middle East has also had a conflicting social structure due to the multiplicity of religions, ethnicities and cultures, as well as the actions of regional and extra-regional actors, and when social technologies entered this region, it was affected by this conflicting social structure. they got. The aim of the current research is to clarify the relationship between the social construction of new social technologies and the conflicts in Yemen. Yemen is one of the most tense countries in the region, which intensified after the removal of Ali Abdullah Saleh, and continues at three national, regional and extra-regional levels. Therefore, the main question is, what effect have new social technologies had on the conflicts in YemenBased on this, this research by adopting a descriptive-analytical method tries to explain this innovative hypothesis that it seems that the new social technologies developed on the web platform have caused the escalation of conflicts in the controversial social structure of Yemen.