Survey of international capacities and restrictions on attracting Foreign Investment in the Islamic Republic of Iran (1390s)
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
Shahram Saadatmand
Hosein Ahmadi
, masoud hemmat
1 - student/Shahreza University
2 - Islamic Azad University
3 - law department . University of islamic Azad University Shhreza Branch.Iran
Keywords: Iran, USA, Foreign Investment, Restrictions, International capacities,
Abstract :
Today, in international relations, attracting foreign investment is one of the most important tools for gaining the international financial resoures in most countries, including the Islamic Republic of Iran. The existence of some international capacities or restrictions in each country will always have important effects on the inflow of foreign investment.The important queston of Article is “How international limitations influence on attracting foreign investment and wich are increas investment opportunaties for Iran? The purpose of this study is to identify and introduce the important international capacities and limitations of attracting foreign investment, especially in the 1390s Hijri Solar of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical and the collection tool is library and statistical studies. The research hypothesis emphasizes that from an international perspective, the political and economic sanctions imposed by the United States on our country have been among the most important international restrictions on attracting foreign investment in Iran. The results show that how to use the potential of economic cooperation and investment with some countries and the economic potential of Iranians living abroad can increase the amount of foreign investment and subsequently overcome international constraints for the Islamic Republic of Iran.
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