Modernization of Islamic civilization in the international arena, Based on the mystical views and ideas of Imam Khomeini In the formation of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsmohammad reza shamshiri 1 , Mansour Shafizadeh 2
1 - Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology - Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan)
2 - PhD student in Theology and Islamic Studies - Religions and Mysticism, Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Islamic Revolution, mysticism, Politics, Imam Khomeini, Islamic government, Islamic civilization,
Abstract :
Imam Khomeini, tried to present a model of Islam and Islamic rule, an oppressive, epic and justice-based school, relying on his mystical thoughts. The Islamic Revolution of Iran was an ideological revolution in which religion was considered the same as politics. This ideological transformation is the beginning of the Imam's path to reach a world full of light and purity and to remove the world from filth and darkness. This article has tried to use a descriptive-analytical method while paying attention to Imam's mystical principles in the formation of the Islamic Revolution and the formation of the Islamic government, and what is the role of Imam Khomeini's mystical ideas and thoughts in the modernization of Islamic civilization on a global scale? In this way, citing his views on Islamic civilization and the universal view of Islam in establishing the rule and requirements of the Islamic civilization-building thought, it reaches the point that the Islamic Revolution of Iran was a prelude to the revival of modern Islamic civilization in the late Imam's lofty thought. If the requirements are met, it has the power and capacity of transnational supply and can be the basis for the world government of the Imam Mahdi.
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