Investigating the impact of the US presence in Iraq and the spread of insecurityIn this country after the fall of Saddam
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsAli Alhendavi 1 , Masoud Jafarinezhad 2 , Firas Abdul Karim Mohammad Ali Albayati 3 , Mohammad Reza Aghareb Parast 4
1 - Ph.D. candidate, Isfahan ( Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan ( Isfahan), Iran
3 - Professor, College of Political Sciences, Bin Alnahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
4 - Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch
Keywords: America, Iraq, Saddam Hussein, insecurity, terrorist,
Abstract :
The main strategy of the United States to advance its goals in the early third millennium AD was preemptive attack and preventive war, in fact, the incident of September 11 belongs to those thoughts, programs, groups, and radical and radical political tendencies in the field of American foreign and defense policy that in Throughout the presidency of Bush Sr. and Clinton, they were in isolation, and during the period of Bush Sr., it was possible to appear and emerge, and it was transferred from the margins to the text of the foreign policy of the United States. The process of developments in Iraq after the American attack had greatly changed the political structure of Iraq. After Saddam, Iraq experienced a new era, one of the components of which was the spread of insecurity and terrorism in this country. In order to carry out this research, which has been written in a descriptive-analytical way, the following question has been raised: What are the security consequences of America's presence in Iraq after Saddam? In order to answer the question raised, this hypothesis has been presented that: the presence of America in Iraq caused the crisis and created insecurity .
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