Components of Responsible Governance and the Role of the UN Human Rights Rapporteur in Promoting them
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
Mahdi Zakerian
Behrooz Mokhtari
1 - Assistant professor, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran
2 - PhD student in international relations, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran
Keywords: Responsible Sovereignty, Thematic Reporters, Human Rights Council,
Abstract :
Abstract Protecting of basic freedoms and rights and giving an effective guarantee in the form of written law is considered as the main aim of responsible sovereignty. It means that responsible sovereignty manifests itself in the government that sets a restriction on its legal and sovereign boundaries according to an advanced system of laws and also, endeavors to meet the requirements of human rights in the international level. The main discussion is that responsible sovereignty is formed by considering the human rights in a democratic system, looks after its responsibilities to the citizens and international society, and is far away from the negation of human rights & similar issues. The UN Human Rights Council develops and promotes the principles of responsible sovereignty from 2006 to consolidate the rule of law and fundamental freedoms. The mentioned subject became a part of the literature of human rights of the U.N. By considering the agents of responsible sovereignty, the UN Human Rights Council dispatches the reporters to survey some subjects such as lost rights and freedoms of citizens in the governments that are not able or do not want to comply with their responsibilities. The mentioned council defends the human rights by sending away reporters on different subjects like freedom of speech and opinions, independence of lawyers and judges, extrajudicial and arbitrary executions and peaceful gatherings. Moreover, this council specifies the responsible sovereignty as guaranteeing citizens’ basic rights and freedoms to the citizens and tries to develop and promote them.