Typology of women's consumption behavior in the brand stores (mezon) of Yazd
Subject Areas : Urban Sociological Studies
Manoochehr Alinejad
Mohammadreza Hoseini
Fatemeh Molaei
1 - (corresponding Author) Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran (Corresponding author).
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Ayatollah Borujerdi University, Borujerd, Iran
3 - M.S. Department of Sociology, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
Keywords: Consumer behavior, Mezon, Yazdi Women, Eye to Eye, Typology, Fashion Belief,
Abstract :
Consumption fever has spread to cities and people are trying to gain status and social position for themselves by consuming goods. Women nowadays use clothes to send messages about their identity to others. shopping malls such as mezons (brand commodity stores) are one of the main spaces for the consumption of signs and styles. Therefore this study aims to understand and interpret the patterns of consumption behavior of women in the mezons of Yazd. The research method is qualitative and was implemented with a thematic analysis strategy. The data collection method was semi-structured interview. The sample size was 30 women living in Yazd who were selected by purposive sampling. In order to analyze the data, the content analysis technique was used. After analyzing the interviews four categories of responses emerged which were as follows: 1- Believable consumption behavior 2- assimilation to significant others 3- dramatic consumption behavior 4- product loyalty. The results showed that the consumption values of this group were significantly more complex. The emergence of a culture of consumerism, imitation (keeping up with the Joneses) and lifestyle changes hav led to the spread of conspicuous, fashion-led, and theatrical consumption types. Based on this, it can be predicted that the orientation of consumption culture among Yazidi women is towards the duality (believable and conspicuous) of consumption, , and negative indicators of consumption behaviors will be the predominant aspect of this behavior in the future.
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