A framework to design a green supply chain for the steel industry with a strategic approach (The case of Guilan province)
Subject Areas : Supply Chain Management
Sirous Balaeia
Nabiollah Mohammadi
Homa Doroudi
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Keywords: Supply Chain, Fuzzy DEMATEL, Fuzzy Network Analysis Process, Green Supply Chain, fuzzy multi-attribute decision-making,
Abstract :
The present research aims to identify the factors affecting the green supply chain in the steel industry with a combined approach. The research is an applied study in type, an exploratory study in goal, a quantitative and qualitative study in data type, and a field study in procedure, in which questionnaire and interview were used as the research instrument. The statistical population was composed of the experts of the steel industry, out of whom 25 experts were selected as the statistical sample by the purposive technique. Data were analyzed by the fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy network process analysis in the SPSS21 and MS-Excel software packages. Then, the fuzzy Delphi technique was used, resulting in the identification of five criteria and 25 subcriteria. Then, the fuzzy DEMATEL was employed to determine the influence and dependence of the factors according to which among the main factors, the environment factor was the most influential with an influence value of 0.792 and the financial factor was the most dependent factor with a net dependence value of -0.996. Also, the identified factors were ranked by the fuzzy analytical network process. The results show that the financial factor has the highest weight. Also, the other factors are in the order of environmental, quality, environment, and technology in terms of importance.
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