Water, Food and Energy Nexus in Modern Irrigation Systems
Subject Areas : Irrigation and drainage
Samane Arvandi
Abbas Zare
Mohammad Afshar Asl
1 - PhD student, Deputy of Water and Soil, Ministry of Jihad Agriculture, Karaj, Iran
2 - Former Advisor to the Minister and Implementer of the New Irrigation Systems project of the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture
3 - PhD Candidate in Water Engineering & Master of Business Administration (M.B.A)
Keywords: Stability, Renewable, Migration, Finding, Reserves,
Abstract :
The issue of water, food and energy security is becoming increasingly important in the face of the current growing population and the intensification of exploitation of limited and non-renewable resources. According to the World Bank, food security is "access of all people to adequate food at all times to have a healthy life", which has three main axes: "food availability", "food access" and "food sustainability". Therefore, the core of food security is access to healthy food and good nutrition. In this research, by the dimensions of security of water, food and energy, the relationship between this concept and land management is discussed. Studying the results of researches show that using modern irrigation systems, concluded expanding new irrigation methods and achieving sustainability, can be achieved Nexus of water, food and energy. The hypotheses that are effective in modern irrigation systems according to the concept of Nexus and land use planning can be evaluated according to the effect of these systems on food production and food security, the effect of systems on reverse migration, balanced distribution and financial resources and less energy consumption and more investment in the systems sector, which with the achievement of each of these cases, the effectiveness of the systems increases and its tremendous impact on land use planning is observed.