Identification and prioritization of agile project management strategies in the face of the most critical changes in construction projects with the combined method of fuzzy ahp-topsis
Subject Areas :sayedeh mahsa azadeh 1 , Somaieh Alavi 2
1 - Master's student, Department of Industrial Engineering, Shahid Ashrafi University of Isfahani, Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Shahid Ashrafi University of Isfahani, Isfahan, Iran (corresponding author)
Keywords: Keywords: project management, agile project management, change, agile strategy,
Abstract :
the current research has been carried out with the aim of introducing and prioritizing agile factors for the change management of construction projects. For this purpose, the most critical changes were identified through the literature in the field of construction. Using the fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS combined technique, the weights of the criteria and the ranking of the agile strategies were determined. Among the main criteria, the customer criterion with a weight of 0.631 has won the first rank. The criterion of the contractor with a weight of 0.168 has won the second place, the criterion of the consultant with a weight of 0.147 has won the third place, and the criterion of external factors with a weight of 0.054 has won the fourth place. Among the agile strategies, continuous improvement through daily meetings has been ranked the first. Project progress monitoring and evaluation consistently ranked second and flexible workflow ranked third.
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