Sustainable Consumption Policy: Environmental Care Requirements in Human Resource Training Study in the Iraqi Ministry of Commerce
Subject Areas :Mamoon Ali Ebrahim 1 , Saeid Sharifi 2 , Younis Mohammad Khizr al-Sabawi 3 , Mehrdad Sadeghi 4
1 - PhD student in public administration, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Faculty Member of cultural management department, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan,
3 - Assistant Professor, faculty member of business department, Kirkuk University, Kirkuk, Iraq
4 - Assistant Professor, Faculty Member of cultural management department, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Sustainable Consumption, Environmental Care, Iraqi Ministry of Commerce,
Abstract :
Paying attention to professional human resources in the framework of administrative competencies based on sustainable development requires continuous training based on the needs and requirements that were considered within the framework of duties and performance aimed at the development goals for the organization, one of the important priorities of organizations commercial, especially in developing countries. Therefore, the present research was conducted cross-section and with the qualitative content analysis method, with the aim of investigating the requirements of environmental care in human resources training, emphasizing the sustainable consumption policy in the Ministry of Commerce of Iraq. The participants in the research up to the theoretical saturation of the data were 15 subject matter experts in the field of environmental sustainability who were selected in a purposeful method dependent on the criteria. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview, and the validity of the data was confirmed by an external audit. The results showed that increasing the knowledge of consumption and its political and executive antecedents is one of the main dimensions of environmental care requirements in human resources education with an emphasis on sustainable consumption through 9 main components including the development of education, consumer self-awareness, supportive policies, and sustainable incentives. , implementation of control policies, recognition of economic models, green management training, technological development and sustainable identification are known in the form of 57 sub-components.
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