Actions and Behavior of Mythical Kings; a Didactic Model in Shahnameh and Historical Texts
Subject Areas : شاهنامهMohammadreza Haji aqa babaei 1
1 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabei University
Keywords: didactic literature, historical texts, Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, Mythical kings,
Abstract :
Paying attention to the actions and moral characteristics of mythical kings is one of the important issues raised in Shahnameh and historical texts. The authors of these texts have tried to introduce the kings as superior models of behavior so that they could reduce the severity of the behavior of the rulers of their time and teach them in an indirect way; otherwise by expressing the similarity between their behavior and mythological kings, they create a high position for the rulers of their time and benefit even much better. By examining historical texts, we see that historians have considered the past as a favorable era and away from any ugliness and impropriety. Therefore, they sought to provide an exemplary and imitable model of the morals and behavior of mythical kings; a model that if other rulers follow it, an ideal society will be formed. In this research, the mythological part of the Shahnameh and some historical texts that deal with the lives of mythological kings are investigated with a descriptive-analytical method. Most of the things that have been expressed in these works about the mythical kings and their behavior are related to their kind treatment with their subordinates and special emphasis on spreading justice and preventing oppression of the people. Paying attention to the religiosity of the kings and their role in guiding the people towards an ideal society is also very important in these texts. In fact, a society in which there is no oppression and people live in peace and comfort.
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