The spiritual journey of Sanai and Abolalla
Subject Areas : شاهنامه
1 - * Assistant professor of the Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University, Nagafabad branch
Keywords: heaven, hell, journey, Isthmus, Seyr al- 'ebad elal-ma 'ad, Alghofran Thesis, Abolalla, Moayeri, Merajnameh, spiritual itinerary,
Abstract :
The characteristics of human beings for creating imaginations and the attempt for escaping from worldly limitations led him to think paranormally. The manifestation of this thinking is a form of literature which is called spiritual itinerary or itinerary to another world. This literature is very noticeable in world and every culture has some types of it. There are some masterpieces in this style in the Islamic literature which somehow reflected in European literature and affect it. Just as Dante's Divine comedy which reflected in the works like Erdaveiraf Nameh, Fotoohat Makiyeh and etc….. We can claim that all works of this type dates bakes to ascending of Prophet Mohammad. Among Islamic spiritual itinerary, there are two masterpieces, namely; Seyr al- 'ebad elal-ma 'adof Sana'i and Moayeri's Thesis of Alghofran Abolala which have different points of view. These two masterpieces haven't been analyzed properly due to their complex structures and thoughts of their writers. In this article, the attempt is firstly to introduce theses two journeys and then to find common features of them. Therefore, the similarities and differences of these two journeys are presented within the limits of all spiritual journeys for those who are interested.
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