The Relationship between Imam Relief Committee Policies and Economic Empowerment Indicators for Rural Covered Households Case Study: Central District of Guilan Province
Subject Areas : Rural and nomadic studies
Alireza Mohammadi
Teymour Amar
Nasrollah Molaeihashjin
1 - PhD Student in Geography and Rural Planning, Department of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
2 - Associate professor, Department of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
3 - Professor Department of Geography, Rasht Branch ,Islamic Azad University, Rasht , Iran
Keywords: Rural Development, empowerment, Khomeini Relief Foundation, social empowerment,
Abstract :
Empowerment is one of the new ways of development aimed at improving performance, increasing productivity, capacity utilization and preparing for future challenges.The term 'empowerment' generally means the capacity of the individual or group to determine their own affairs. The term has been widely used in a variety of fields including psychology, management, education, women's studies and sociology. In this research the issue of economic empowerment of rural households covered by Imam Relief Committee regarding the main policies of this committee in the central area of Guilan province using was studied using questionnaire technique by the number of 345 cases.Based on the results of the study, among the two indicators studied in the economic sector, which were qualitatively examined through the Likert spectrum, the subsistence level of households with a mean score of 2.52 is better than the financial independence index. In second place is the level of financial independence of clients with a mean score of 2.45.Based on the results of the study, among the four policies studied, Satisfaction with the credit guidance policy of targeting subsidies to households with a mean score of 2.78 is ranked first. In second place is satisfaction with insurance service policy with average score of 2.67. Satisfaction with the policies of rural housing provision and repayment of credit are also ranked third and fourth with average scores of 2.61 and 2.53..
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