right to the city and sexual differences challenges (case study: Qazvin city)
Subject Areas : Sociology and Human Settlements
fahimeh shokohfar
zohreh davoudpour
vahid bigdeli rad
1 - Candidate Ph.D, Department of Urban Planning,Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - associate professor, Department of Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor Department of Urban Planning, , Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: gender, Space, Realization right to the city, The right of participation, The right of appropriation,
Abstract :
Citizens' emotional and cognitive perceptions lead to a general perception of citizenship rights. Our focus in this research is to study the factors that affect, and are related to gender. Gender was considered as a determining factor in the perception of urban spaces to examine the possibility of gender differences in the enjoyment of the right to the city. The population of this study is 390 citizens of Qazvin city that were selected by proportional stratified-sampling, and by combining inappropriate cluster sampling and proportional classification. The data analysis was done by R, using two-way logistic regression and ordinal regression, and the results show that gender plays an important role in citizens' perception of the right to their city. A male citizen of Qazvin is about 30 percent more likely than a female citizen of Qazvin to have a sense of entitlement to the city. Among the analyzed factors, physical convenience had the highest gender gap in terms of citizen satisfaction, which can be largely prevented by increasing the determinant components in cities, and It also increased satisfaction with the right to the city. Furthermore, the dimension of physical comfort was the most differentiated between men and women in terms of satisfaction, indicating that Qazvin, does not provide as much security for women as men.
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