Emplacement of physical development optimal ways of Rasht using AHP
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studiesسید علی حسینی 1 , احمد پوراحمد 2 , رضا ویسی 3
1 - استادیار دانشگاه پیام نور، گروه جغرافیا، ایران
2 - استاد دانشکده جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران
3 - دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشگاه خوارزمی، تهران، ایران
Keywords: urban physical development, Rasht optimum development model, AHP model and urban physical development, emplacement of urban proper development by GIS,
Abstract :
Proper use of environmental potentials of around the city increases economic efficiency and reduces vulnerability of existing resources. In current situation that most of the cities are faced with rapid and increasing physical development, necessity to identification and displacement of suitable lands for conservation of urban rare resources is indispensible. Regarding to Rasht city place in Guilan Province fertile plain and existence of some urban development physical limitations, such as marshy land, farm lands, fertile gardens, forests, and etc., could not be developed widely. Main object of this paper is determination of the proper and optimal direction of urban development with minimal damage to environmental resources in order to provide land for future development of the city. In order to collect, analyze, and produce different layers and maps of obstacles emplacement and the optimal development direction of Rasht, the technical tools of GIShas been used. During this process, at first needed and efficient were identified, collected and analyzed into 11 indicators (lands potential, topography, land stability, communication networks, airports, cemeteries, rivers, natural habitats, industrial town, the lagoon and surrounding rural areas). After this stage, variables and criteria entering operation in Geographical Information System (GIS) was performed and in the next stage new information layers such as distance from the cemetery, the river, industrial town, and etc. was evaluated according to available data. At rest, data were classified and evaluated again. In order to valuate information layers in this research, AHP model and hierarchical method have been used. Finally, after combination of the maps, the final map of proper direction of optimal Rasht future urban development was selected, provided, and determined. Results and conclusions of studies have emplaced the best lands for Rasht future urban development in South direction.
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