Family killings sociological explanation (Ardebil, 1394/2015)
Subject Areas : Social Sciences QuarterlyTaha Ashayeri 1 , MOHAMMAD JAVANMARD 2 , Ali jahangirpour 3
1 - بررسی مسائل اجتماعی ایران دانشگاه کاشان
2 - ناجا / دانشگاه امین
3 - عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه علوم انتظامی امین
Keywords: Ardabil, moral, Family murder, patriarchal family structure,
Abstract :
Family killings are part of the social harm and violence, that in developing countries more than developed countries. Family killings are part of a murder among in-laws, relative or a family member occur motivated and different contexts. The aim of the present study sociological explanation for Family murders using survey method and questionnaire technique is to answer the research question. Morgan’s formula to determine the sample size of 194 people and criterion validity has been confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. The findings indicate that the ethical, cultural revenge, hereditary divisions - civil, issues of honor, patriarchal family structure, secularization violence, social monitoring and ignorance of the laws of family honor killings correlated with marital discord, family relationship variables were not significant. Regression results show that the coefficient of determination is equal to 38/0 and multiple correlation coefficients equal to 42/0.