Providing A Conceptual Framework of Strategic Management of Agile Human Resources with A Meta-Synthesis Approach
Subject Areas : Transformational Human Resources
Shirvan Keivani
Reza Rostamzadeh
1 - PhD Student, Department of Management, Urmia branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran
2 - Department of Management, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran.
Keywords: Human resources, Human resource strategic management, agile human resources, Meta-synthesis,
Abstract :
Abstract Bakground and purpose: Today, for development, organizations should be able to adapt, resist and have agile human resources against the challenges of their advancement. Hence familiarity with the fundamental concepts of strategic management of agile human resources and its development is important for organizations. The purpose of this research is to provide a conceptual model of strategic management of agile human resources with a hybrid approach. Research method: In the current research, a meta-composite qualitative method was used in order to systematically review the findings of the studies conducted in this regard. The data collection tool was the documents available in this field in reliable scientific databases in the period from 1999 to 2023 and included 20 studies. The method of data analysis was open coding. In this research, 226 codes were identified and then the identified codes were categorized and combined based on the degree of conceptual similarity. Findings: The findings showed that the factors affecting the strategic management of agile human resources include five dimensions of organizational factors, communication factors, knowledge factors, cultural factors and human factors, which finally drew the research pattern. Conclusion: Due to their nature, human resources in organizations should have a high level of capabilities in the field of strategic management in order to meet the long-term goals of organizations. For this reason, it is necessary for managers to pay attention to the factors influencing the strategic management of agile human resources.
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