Investigating the Factors Affecting Acceptance of Office Automation Using Integrated Technology Acceptance and Use Theory (UTAUT) (Case Study of Northwest Units of Islamic Azad University of East Azarbayjan)
Subject Areas : Human Capital Empowerment
mihan hossennazhd gargari
jabreil marzi alamdari
akbar golmahammadpur
mirhamid hejazi
1 - Islamic Azad University, Jolfa Branch, Iran
2 - Islamic Azad University, Jolfa Branch, Iran
3 - Islamic Azad University, Jolfa Branch, Iran
4 - Islamic Azad University, Jolfa Branch, Iran
Keywords: Facilitating Conditions, Social Impact, Office Automation Acceptance, Expected Execution, Expectant Quest,
Abstract :
T he purpose of this study is to investigate factors affecting the adoption of office automation. The research is descriptive in terms of the method of data collection in field type and in terms of purpose, is a type of applied studies. The statistical population of the study consisted of all staff and full-time faculty members of the Northwest universities of the East Azarbaijan province. A simple random sampling method was used to select the sample. The sample size was 256 by Cochran formula. The library method has been used to compile and compile literature on the subject of research and research records. The results of the assumptions test show that the dimensions of the expectation of the implementation, the expectation of the effort, the social effects and facilitating conditions on the acceptance of office automation in the northwestern units of Islamic Azad University of East Azarbaijan have a positive effect. Meanwhile, the factors affecting the adoption of office automation in age groups, gender, and user experience of office automation are not significantly different.
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