Investigating the Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Attitude, Quality of Relationships, Employee Behavior and its Consequences
Subject Areas : Management of Organizational Behavior
Akbar Ghodrati
Mojtaba Ramezani
Abbasgholi Sangi Noorpour
Nader Bohlooli
Yaqub Alavi Matin
1 - PhD Student in Public Management - Human Resources, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Business Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of Business Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.
5 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Behavioral and Attitudinal Consequences, Employee Relationships,
Abstract :
In recent years, the widespread impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities on stakeholders has led managers and experts to pay attention to the discussion (CSR) and employee behavior and attitudes. The purpose of this study is to identify the consequences (CSR) on employees, using the meta-analysis approach. The present study is descriptive in terms of purpose, quantitative in terms of applied use, and quantitative in terms of data. The study population was research, master's theses, and researches published in scientific-research journals conducted during the years (2010-2020) inside and outside the country. Having entered the meta-analysis process as a sample, the data were analyzed using CMA2 software. Among the 18 variables identified, 3 variables (%17) had an effect size below 0.3 and 8 variables (%44) had an effect size between 0.3 to 0.5 and also 7 variables (%39) have an effect size above 0.5. The results show that organizational social responsibility (CSR) has a significant relationship with all 18 identified variables, except (organizational pessimism, gender, and age).
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Treadway, D. C., Breland, J. W., Adams, G. L., Duke, A. B., & Williams, L. A. (2010). The interactive effects of political skill and future time perspective on career and community networking behavior. Social Networks, 32(2), 138-147.
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Wang, Y., Xu, S., & Wang, Y. (2020). The consequences of employees’ perceived corporate social responsibility: A meta analysis. Business Ethics: A European Review, 29(3), 471-496.
_||_Albareda, L., Lozano, J., & Ysa, T. (2007). Public Policies on Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Governments in Europe. Journal of Business Ethics, 74, 391-407.
Alonso-Almeida, M. D. M., Perramon, J., & Bagur-Femenias, L. (2017). Leadership styles and corporate social responsibility management Analysis from a gender perspective. Business Ethics: A European Review, 26(2), 147-161.
Bauman, C. W., & Skitka, L. J. (2012). Corporate social responsibility as a source of employee satisfaction. Research in Organizational Behavior, 32, 63-86.
Brammer, S., Millington, A., & Rayton, B. (2007). The contribution of CSR to organizational commitment. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(10), 1701–1719.
Carstensen, L. L., Mikels, J. A., & Mather, M. (2006). Fifteen-aging and the intersection of cognition, motivation, and emotion.
De Roeck, K., El Akremi, A., & Swaen, V. (2016). Consistency matter How and when does CSR affect employees’ organizational identification. Journal of Management Studies, 53(7), 1141–1168.
Dessler, G. (1998). Fundamentals of human resource management: content. Competencies and Applications. New Society, New York.
Du, S., Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2015). CSR, multi-faceted job-products, and employee outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 131(2), 319–335.
Erdogan, B., Bauer, T. N., & Taylor, S. (2015). Management commitment to the ecological environment and employees: Implications for employee attitudes and citizenship behaviors. Human Relations, 68(11), 1669–1691.
Farooq, O., Payaud, M., Merunka, D., & Valette-Florence, P. (2014). The impact of corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment Exploring multiple mediation mechanisms. Journal of Business Ethics, 125(4), 563–580.
Farooq, O., Rupp, D. E., & Farooq, M. (2017). The multiple pathways through which internal and external CSR influence organizational identification and multifoci outcomes: The moderating role of cultural and social orientations. Academy of Management Journal, 60(3), 954–985.
Faryabi, M., Senobar, N., Ghodraty, A., & Miandar, F. (2013). A study on the impact of corporate responsibility on responsible consumption. Two Issues of Sociology of Economics and Development, 3(2), 97-119. (In Persian)
Fryzel, B., & Seppala, N. (2016). The effect of CSR evaluations on affective attachment to CSR in different identity orientation firms. Business Ethics: A European Review, 25(3), 310–326.
Ghorbanizadeh, V. (2018). Research method of meta-analysis with cma2 software. Bazetab Publications, Tehran. (In Persian)
Glavas, A. (2016). Corporate social responsibility and organizational psychology: An integrative review. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(144).
Goldberg, C. B., & Allen, D. G. (2010). Black and white and read all over Race differences in reactions to recruitment web sites. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 217–236.
Greening, D. W., & Turban, D. B. (2000). Corporate social performance as a competitive advantage in attracting a quality workforce. Business & Society, 39(3), 254-280.
Holowzki, A. (2002). The relationship between knowledge management and organization culture. Applied information management program December.
Koene, A. (2002). Leadership effects on organizational climate and financial performance – Local leadership effects in china organizations. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(3), 193_215.
Lee, M. P. (2008). A review of the theories of corporate social responsibility Its evolutionary path and the road ahead. International Journal of Management Reviews, 10, 53–73.
McNamara, T. K., Carapinha, R., Pitt-Catsouphes, M., Valcour, M., & Lobel, S. (2017). Corporate social responsibility and employee outcomes: The role of country context. Business Ethics: A European Review, 26(4), 413–427.
Meehan, J., Meehan, K., & Richards, A. (2006). Corporate social responsibility: the 3C-SR model. International Journal of Social Economics, 33(5/6), 386-398.
Meshbaki, Shojaei, K., & Wahab. (2011). Investigating the relationship between organizational culture and corporate social responsibility (CSR) (Ministry of Energy as the case). Applied Sociology, 21(4), 37-56. (In Persian)
Navarro, E., & González, L. (2006). Corporate social responsibility and economic growth. . Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 24, 637–665.
Rupp, D. E., Ganapathi, J., Aguilera, R. V., & Williams, C. A. (2006). Employee reactions to CSR: An organizational justice framework. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27(4), 537–543.
Sachs, S., Ru¨hli, E., & Mittnacht, V. (2005). Strategy A CSR framework due to multiculturalism: the Swiss Re case. Corporate Governance, 5(3), 52-60.
Sheel, R. C., & Vohra, N. (2016). Relationship between perceptions of CSR and organizational cynicism: The role of employee volunteering. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(13), 1373–1392.
Spanjol, J., Tam, L., & Tam, V. (2015). Employer–employee congruence in environmental values: An exploration of effects on job satisfaction and creativity. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(1), 117–130.
Treadway, D. C., Breland, J. W., Adams, G. L., Duke, A. B., & Williams, L. A. (2010). The interactive effects of political skill and future time perspective on career and community networking behavior. Social Networks, 32(2), 138-147.
Vaaland, T. I., & Heide, M. (2008). Managing corporate social responsibility: lessons from the oil industry. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 13, 212-225.
Wang, Y., Xu, S., & Wang, Y. (2020). The consequences of employees’ perceived corporate social responsibility: A meta analysis. Business Ethics: A European Review, 29(3), 471-496.