Compilation of Green Management Model and Sustainable Development with the Mediating Role of Environmental Attitude in Iran Football Federation
Subject Areas : Management and Sustanable Development
Seyed Amin Dehghan Banadaki
Mohammad Hassan peymanfar
1 - PhD student in sports management, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: development, Sports, Environmental Sustainability, sports organization,
Abstract :
The sports industry has a tremendous impact on the natural environment; Therefore, sports organizations should use appropriate management methods to sustain the environment. The aim of the current research is to evaluate the relationship and present the model of green management and sustainable development with the mediating role of employees' attitudes towards the environment in the Iranian Football Federation. The research method was a descriptive correlation, carried out by the field method. The statistical population of the research included all managers and employees of the Iranian Football Federation in the number of 157 people, of which 111 people cooperated in this study. Standard questionnaires were used to collect data. The validity of the questionnaire was checked and confirmed by expert professors, and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The results showed that green management has a positive and significant effect on sustainable development, and green management has a positive and significant effect on employees' attitudes towards the environment. Also, employees' attitude towards the environment positively and significantly affects sustainable development. The results indicate that due to the attractiveness of football and its countless fans, the Islamic Republic of Iran Football Federation can play a significant role in sustainable development and environmental protection by implementing green management.
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Zeyad, H., Abdelnaser Ebarrawy, H., & Elshazly, Y. (2017). Football and Sustainability in the Desert, Qatar 2022 Green World Cup’s Stadiums: Legal Perspective. European Journal of Social Sciences, 55, 45-61.
_||_Abbas, J., & Sağsan, M. (2019). Impact of knowledge management practices on green innovation and corporate sustainable development: A structural analysis Journal of Cleaner Production, 299, 611-620.
Aibaghi, E. S., Hasani, A. A., & Hosseini, N. S. R. (2018). Effect of green HRM on firm sustainability at general administration of youth and sport in North Khorasan Province. Human Resource Management in Sport Journal, 5(2), 329-328. (In Persian)
Babiak, K., & Trendafilova, S. (2011). CSR and environmental responsibility: motives and pressures to adopt green management practices. Corporate Social - Responsibility and Environmental Management, 18(1), 11.
Edwards, M. (2005). Organization identification: aconceptual and operational review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 17(4), 207-230.
Girginov, V. (2008). Sport as an agent for social and personal change, of sports development (Vol. 1). Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.
Henly, A., Hershkowitz, A., & Hoover, D. (2012). Game changer: How the sports industry is saving the environment. Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), New York.
Inoue, Y., & Kent, A. (2012). Sport teams as promoters of pro-environmental behavior: An empirical study. Journal of Sport Management, 26(5), 417-432.
Kautto, P. (2006). New instruments –old practices? The implications of environmental management systems and extended producer responsibility for design for the environment. Business Strategy and the Environment, 15(6), 377-388.
Kellison, T. B., & McCullough, B. P. (2016). A forecast for the mainstreaming of environmental sustainability Sport & Entertainment Review, 2(1), 11-18.
Lindsey, I., & Darby, P. (2019). Sport and the Sustainable Development Goals: Where is the policy coherence? Journal of International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 54(7), 793-812.
Masri, H. A., & Jaaron, A. A. M. (2017). Assessing green human resource management practices in Palestinian manufacturing context: an empirical study Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 474–489.
Matusya, E., & Yarime, M. (2014). Moving towards Urban Sustainability in Kenya: a Framework for Integration of Environmental, Economic, Social and Governance Dimensions Sustainability Science, 9(2), 205-215.
Moini Olav, J., Sorensen Eva, H., & Szuchy Kristiansen, R. (2014). Adoption of green strategy by Danish firms. Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal, w, 197-223.
Padash, D., Sultan Hosseini, M., Khabiri, M., & Fathi, S. (2013). Determining and prioritizing the managerial and executive factors affecting the privatization of sports clubs by AHP method. Sports Management Studies, 4(15), 47-62. (In Persian)
Sabet, A., & Azizi, M. (2020). Assess the impact of human resource strategies in the creation and development of Green human resource management. Journal of New Research Approaches in Management and Accounting, 4(31), 67-85. (In Persian)
Sarani, M., Hosseini Nia, R., & Bahman Pour, H. (2016). Qualitative survey approach of sport managers to environmental issue in facilities Master's thesis in the field of physical education and sports sciences of Shahrood University of Technology. (In Persian)
Survey, F. (2018). Environmental Protection in the Production of Footballs. Retrieved from
Zeyad, H., Abdelnaser Ebarrawy, H., & Elshazly, Y. (2017). Football and Sustainability in the Desert, Qatar 2022 Green World Cup’s Stadiums: Legal Perspective. European Journal of Social Sciences, 55, 45-61.