Investigating Managerial Myopia on Micromanagement and Analyzing the Mediating Role of Managers' Behavioral Tendencies (Case Study: Lorestan Province Government Organization)
Subject Areas : Management of Organizational Behavior
Ali Shariatnejad
Rezvan Mennati
1 - Lorestan University Assistant Professor, Management Faculty, Korramabad, Iran.
2 - Graduated from Master of Business Administration, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran.
Keywords: Behavioral Biases, management myopia, Micromanagement,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of managerial myopia on the micromanagement, with the mediating role of behavioral biases. This research is based on practical purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of method. The statistical population of the research is the government organizations of Lorestan province. Considering that the size of the statistical population is limited and specific, Cochran's sampling formula was used to determine the sample size, and at the 95% confidence level, the sample size was 384 people and were selected by available sampling method. In the current research, standard questionnaires were used to collect data, and their validity and reliability were confirmed by content validity method and Cronbach's alpha. Structural equation modeling and PLS software were used to test hypotheses and analyze data. The findings of the research show that managerial myopia has a positive and significant effect on the micromanagement of government organizations. Also, the findings show that managerial myopia has a positive and significant effect on the behavioral tendencies of government organizations.
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_||_Ahmadisaravani, M. (2014). The effect of strategic flexibility on company performance: the mediating role of mass customization and open innovation Gilan University].
Akbari, A., Falah Shams, M. F., & Omrani, A. (2021). Prioritization and analysis of indicators affectiog the behavioral trend of Managers in the Capital Market, Quarterly. Journal of New Research Approaches in Management and Accounting, 5(8), 148-167. (In Persian)
Amadi, M., Amah, E., & Okocha, B. (2022). Micromanaging Behaviour and Employee Productivity in SME in Rivers State. International Journal of Research and Innovation Social Science, 6(4), 745-755.
Aquilar, S. R., & Kosheleva, O. (2021). What is wrong with micromanagement: economic view. Asian Journal of Economics and Bankin, 1-7.
Barnett, T., Bowe, M., White, J., & Zaib, A. (2017). Longterm thinking in organizations. The Journal of Business Perspective, 21(2), 109-128.
Catino, M. (2013). Organizational Myopia. Cambridge University Press, New York.
Davari, A., & Rezazadeh, A. (2012). Structural equation modeling book with PLS software (1 ed.). Jihad Daneshgahi Press, Tehran. (In Persian)
Delgado, O., Sttauss, E. M., & Ortega, M. A. (2015). Micromanagement: When toavoid it and how to use it effectively. American Journal of Health-system pharmacy, 72(10), 772-776.
Giongi, M. (2021). Microscopic Management, how to recognize and control it The fourth international conferene on management, tourism and technology, (In Persian)
Habibi, A., & Adanvar, M. (2016). Structural equation modeling book (6 ed.). Jihad Daneshgahi Publications, Tehran. (In Persian)
Hajizadeh, A., Rahim Nia, F., Farahi, M. M., & Shirazi, A. (2021). Eyplaining the pattern of myopia of senior Managers of public sector organizations. Public Management Studies, 14(53), 65-88. (In Persian)
Jain, J., Walia, N., & Cupta, S. (2019). Evaluation of behavioval biases a ffecting investment decision making of individual equity investors by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Reviw of Behavioral Finance, 12(3), 297-314.
Ji, A. E. (2019). Internal control weakness and manajerial myopia: Evidence from section Disclosuves. journal of finance and Risk perspectives, 8(1), 71-83.
Joo Seo, H., Sung jin Kang, S. J., & Baek, Y. J. (2020). Managerial myopia and inn ovation strategy. Financialisation of Korean firms Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44(2), 1-24.
Limon, I., & Dilekci, U. (2020). Development and lnitial validation of micromanagement scale for school principals. Participatovy Educational Research, 8(1), 123-140.
Mingjlan, L. U., Qiaoqi, C., Yujing, C., & Weijia, S. (2019). Micromanagement in Starcraft Game AI: a case study. Procedia Computer Science, 147, 518-523.
Miri, M., Anaeifard, H., Forouzandeh, L., & J., D. (2019). Explain and understand how the Policy myopia is formed in the Policy-making system. PhD thesis in public Administration Tarbiat Modares University]. (In Persian)
Mishra, N., Rajkumer, M., & Mishra, R. (2019). Micromanagement: an employer is perspectific. International Journal of scientific & Technology Research, 8(10), 2949-2952.
Mittal, S. K. (2022). Behavior biases and investment decision: theoretical and research framework. Qualitative Research in Financal Markets, 14(2), 213-228.
Mookerjee, A., Li, B., Arora, B., Ssurapaneni, R., Rajput, V., & Van de Ridder, M. (2022). Micromanagement During clinical supervision: solution to the challenges. Cureus, 14, 3.
Mookerjee, A., Li, B., Arora, B., Surapaneni, R., Raiput, V., & Vanderidder, M. (2022). Micromanagement During Clinical Supervision. Solutions to the Challenges Cureus, 14(3), 405-415.
Moradi Arzani, R., Ahmadi, F., Kordloui, H. M., & Jahanbakhsh, A. (2021). Investingationg the role of Modifying behavioral trends on the relationship between the individual Characteristics of Financial Managers and the Characteristies of Companies with the financial performance of Companies listed in Tehran Bahadur Stock Exchange. Financial and behavioral research in accounting, 1(2), 133-137. (In Persian)
Morals Burgos, J. A., Kittler, M., & Walsh, M. (2021). Bunded rationality,capital budgeting decisions and small business. Qualitative Researchin Accounting Management, 17(2), 293-318.
Oehman, G., Locatelli, G., Wied, M., & Willumsen, P. (2020). Risk uncertainty ignorance and myooia: Their managerial implications for BTB Firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 330-338.
Riahi, H., & Dezhdar, M. M. (2017). Rating of investors' behavioral tendencies in confrontation: important political news and rumors with an emphasis on the period of nuclear negotiations. Scientific Research Quarterly of Investment Knowledge, 6(24), 1-20. (In Persian)
Richard, D., & White, J. V. (2018). The Micromanagement Disease Symptoms, Diagnosis,and Cure. Pubilc Perspnnel Management, 39(1), 71-76.
Rossidis, I., Belias, D., & Papailias, S. (2020). Differentiating micromanagement from effective manage-ment. Amanager is Guibe, 8(11).
Shariatnejad, A., & Mosavi, S. M. (2020). Identifying and explaning the antecedents and consequences of managers Myopia in knowledge based companies, scientitic. Journal of Business Strategies Shahed University, 17(28), 81-98. (In Persian)