Identifying and Prioritizing the Drivers of the Formation of Anti-citizen Behaviors in the Employees of Government Organizations (Case of Study: Ilam Government Organizations)
Subject Areas : Management and Sustanable Development
Shahin Ghiasi
Sadegh Feizollahi
1 - Assistant Professor of Elementary Education Department, Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran.
Keywords: Anti-citizen behaviors, government organizations, Ilam. ,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to identify the drivers of the formation of anti-citizen behaviors in the employees of government organizations. Based on the purpose, the current research is applied and from the point of view of how to collect data, it is mixed research (qualitative-quantitative). The tool for collecting data in the qualitative part is the interview and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire. The research community in the qualitative part included university experts and government department managers, 15 people were selected based on the purposeful sampling method. In the quantitative part, the statistical population of the research consists of all the employees of the government offices of Ilam province, numbering 29,240 people (according to the Iranian Statistics Center), of which 379 people were selected as a sample using the simple random sampling method and using the Cochran formula. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview in the qualitative part and a researcher-made questionnaire in the quantitative part. The qualitative part of this research was done using theme analysis. In the quantitative phase, the structural equation test was used for the confirmatory factor analysis of the questions. In this research, K.M.O statistics and Bartlett's test were used to determine the appropriateness of the data for factor analysis. The t-statistic was used to verify the obtained indicators. The results led to the identification of 10 themes in the form of three main concepts individual factors, organizational factors, and management factors. The model fit results showed that the model has good validity and fit. The results of Vicor's ranking showed that aggression, organizational injustice, and gossip are ranked first to third among the most important drivers of employees' anti-organizational citizenship behavior, respectively.
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