Professional Competence Model of School Administrators as an Effective and Key Driver of Sustainable Development
Subject Areas : Sustainable Development
Mohammad Reza Rasouli
Ghafar Tari
Hossain Baghaei
1 - 1. Ph.D. Student of Educational Management Department, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran.
2 - 2. Assistant Prof., Department of Management, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran.
3 - 3. Assistant Prof. of Curriculum Planning Department, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran.
Keywords: Professional Competence, Sustainable Development, School Administrators. ,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to present the model of professional competence of school administrators as an effective and key driver of sustainable development. This research is qualitative and to present the professional competence model of school principals as an effective and key driver of sustainable development, the data theory strategy of the Strauss and Corbin Foundation was used. In this research, the interviewees were selected from experts and professors in the field of education in Tehran. Using the theoretical sampling method, 20 experts and professors in the field of education in Tehran were interviewed. To determine the reliability of the interview forms, the within-subject agreement method of two coders (evaluators) was used, and the agreement coefficient was calculated as 0.84. For data analysis, foundation data methods and open, central, and selective coding were used, and the interviews were analyzed in the MAXQDA 18 software environment. The findings of the research showed that based on the presentation of the professional competence model of school principals as an effective and key driver of sustainable development, including the enablers of skill competence, managerial competence, and professional ethics and behavior competencies, the development of managers, the social indicators of managers, the establishment of working groups to improve performance and Green competency, attitudinal competencies, knowledge competencies, educational competency, knowledge-skill and technology commercialization competencies, productive spirit, consumption pattern modification, participation in development and moving towards national authority, which leads to the realization of the results of productive spirit, consumption pattern modification, They participate in development.
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