Determination of Research Methods Life Process of Library and Information Science Thesis in the Governmental Universities of Iran Submitted During 2005- 2009
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studies
ali sharafi
Mehdi Alipour Hafezi
ali jalali dizaji
1 - master of LIS. Librarian of Shahed University
2 - Deputy of IRANDOC
3 - Faculty member of Alame-Tabtabaei University
Keywords: Life Process of dissertations, Research Methods, Library and Information science,
Abstract :
Objective: This research aimed to determine the research methods life process of Library and Information Science dissertations and thesis in the Governmental Universities of Iran submitted during 2005- 2009. Methodology: Content analysis method has been used this research. Statistical population contains the 292 dissertations in the10 Governmental Universities of Iran. Data were collected by checklists and analyzed by Excel and SPSS software’s. Findings: Findings showed that 42.81 percent of dissertations, used survey research methods, 13.01 percent content analysis, 11.30 percent citation analysis, 8.22 percent descriptive survey, 6.51 percent library research, 4.45 percent comparative survey, 4.11 percent analytic survey, 3.77 percent evaluative survey, 2.40 percent descriptive, 2.05 percent analytic descriptive, 0.68 percent system design, and remaining 0/68 percent of dissertations used of the experimental research methods. Conclusion: The results show that prevailing research method in the Library and Information Science thesis is related to survey research methods, and weakest trend are related to system design and experimental research methods.
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