Investigating the using rate of Persian printed Journals by post graduate students of Islamic Azad University of Qazvin
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studies
Saeed Ghaffari
mahtab najafi
1 - Professor, Faculty Member, Department of Library and Information PNU Qom
2 - LIS graduate student at Islamic Azad University of Hamedan, Qazvin Islamic Azad University employee
Keywords: Graduate Students, Persian print journals, electronic journals, Azad University of Qazvin,
Abstract :
Purpose : Due to the increasing importance of journals in scientific communication and the emergence of e-journal format, this study investigates the use of Qazvin Azad University graduate students of print journals and electronic journals. Methodology: The methodology of this research is descriptive survey. Data were collected through questionnaires. The study population consisted of 350 graduate students of Qazvin Azad University. Findings: Results showed that students used electronic journals more in comparison with printed ones. Conclusion: In general, moderate students used Persian electronic journals and printed journals. Most students have no reason for non-use of electronic journals, electronic journals and databases. of None existence of adequate training have been considered as the reason of the non-use . The most motivation of the students in using electronic and print journals was gaining specialized information, compiling and translating books and articles and conducting research projects. Most students feel they need training to use electronic journals, and most of them were willing to attend classes and workshops
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