Impact of the Internet on Labor Productivity in Selected MENA Countries
Subject Areas :
Ali Salmanpour
Safar Farhang
Mahnaz Shokouhi Fard
Siamak Shokouhi Fard
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4 - نویسنده مسئول
Keywords: GMM, Internet, Labor Productivity, Co-integration, Dynamic Panel Data,
Abstract :
The importance of information and communication technology (ICT) in the nationaleconomy is apparent. ICT has positive outcomes in economy in various forms such as economicgrowth and total productivity, promoting trade of goods and services, reducing inflation andtransactions costs. This study examines the effects of the internet on labor productivity byusing MENA selected countries data from 2000 to 2013 and dynamic panel data techniquesand by applying Arellano and Bond’s (1991) 1-step and 2-step GMM estimators. To this end,after testing variables stationary and existing co-integration between them, by Pedroni panelco-integration test, the final model was estimated by various estimators. The results of modelestimation by Arellano and Bond’s 2-step GMM estimator indicated that internet has positiveand statistically significant effects on labor productivity and in long term if other factors wereconstant, an increase in the number of internet users per 100 people, GDP per person employed,increases labor productivity 1.92$. Also, the impact of education and health expenditureson labor productivity are positive, but not statistically significant. Trade openness, GDP peremployed person in the previous period and capital formation has positive effects on the laborproductivity and are statistically significant