The Image of Sistan in the Zoroastrian Beliefs and Myths
Subject Areas : Mytho
Seiyyedeh Fātemeh Zāreh Hosseini
Vajiheh Abhari Māreshk
1 - The Assistant Professor of Religions and Mysticism, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
2 - M.A in Religions and Mysticism, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Keywords: Sistan, Zoroastrianism, Zoroaster, Three Eschatological Saviors, Kayānsīh,
Abstract :
In the religious texts of ancient Iran and especially in the Zoroastrian ones, the land of Sistan is of great importance so that its mythical, historical, geographical places and people related to it have been frequently cited. Given the importance of the issue and due to the lack of comprehensive research in this area, by using analytical-descriptive method, the present article attempts to examine the religious and mythological issues related to the land of Sistan covered in Zoroastrian texts. The results of the study show that the Scythians and the Kayanians were associated with this region. Also, since it is the birthplace of Zoroaster, it was the place of the spread and propagation of Zoroastrianism and the emergence of the eschatological saviors. In addition, in these texts, several holy mountains, holy fire temples, holy seas and holy rivers in Sistan are mentioned that show its privileged position in Zoroastrian religion. The frequent mention of Sistan in Zoroastrian texts can be a reflection of its religious and mythological image in this ancient religion.
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