Shoshtari and His Role in Development of the Arabian Mystical Poetry
Subject Areas : Mytho
1 - The Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Hamadān University
Keywords: mysticism, Arabian Poetry, Ibn Abdollah Shoshtari, Zajal, Muwashshah,
Abstract :
The mystical poems of Ibn Abdollah Shoshtari (d. 668 A.H), Andalusian famous poet and mystic, have a different and special structure and style. He has expressed mystical contents in the forms of Zajal and Muwashaah which are the traditional forms of oral strophic poetry. In comparison with Arabic classic poetry, his poems have a different structure; they are in a colloquial dialect, therefore, they are welcomed by the public. Indeed, he has composed the mystical poems, not for mystics, but for the general public. The aim of the present article is to review the innovations of Shoshtari in the mystical poetry. So, first we consider his place in mysticism and Arabic literature, and then, his mystical, simple and uncomplicated poems which have been composed in a colloquial dialect, would be examined. And finally, we study the forms of Zajal and Muwashaah, and then the sample poems of him are presented.
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