Preliminary Study of Developmental Progression of Clock Face Drawing in Children
Subject Areas : روان درمانگری
Kamran Ganji
Ali Delavar
Rozita Zabihi
1 - PhD
Islamic Azad University
Malayer Branch
Iran, Malaye
2 - PhD
Allame Tabataba’I University
3 - PhD
Islamic Azad University
Islamshahr Branch
Iran, Tehran
Keywords: Clock face drawing, developmental progression, normal children, executive functions,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to study developmental progression of clock face drawing and conceptualization of time among the primary and middle school students of Tehran. One hundred and sixty students (106 males, 55 females; M=9, SD=1.5) without behavioral, emotional, mental, and pervasive developmental disorders, completed clock face drawing test (Cohen, et al ,2000). Conceptualization of time and construction of the clock face were assessed separately using Cohen and his colleague (2000) scoring system. The results indicated a gradual progression of the clock drawing and the concept of time from the age of eight onward. Results also demonstrated that the qualitative errors such as number reversals, spacing errors and erasing were common in ages seven and eight, but decreased gradually as the age increased. Given the pattern of the findings, linear progression in using the quarter of circle suggest that the neglect in children has developmental nature. In general, development of clock face drawing to a large extent parallels the frontal lobe maturation.