The impact of governance quality on the industrial export advantage
Subject Areas : International Economics
Hedayat Hatami
Kaveh Derakhshani Darabi
Dariush Hassanvand
1 - PhD. Student, Department of Economics, Aligudarz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aligudarz, Iran,
2 - Assistant professor in Economics, Arak University; and visiting professor of Islamic Azad University (Corresponding Author),
3 - Assistant Professor in Economics, Aligudarz Branch, Islamc Azad University, Aligudarz, Iran,
Keywords: Manufacturing Export, Institutional Quality, Export Advantage, Transport Logistic,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to identify the affecting factors of the industrial products export advantage with an emphasis on the governance quality. For this purpose, after reviewing the literature and identifying the affecting variables of the export advantage, the relationship between variables is estimated with using the panel data models and data of 82 selected countries in the period of 2007-2018. The results showed that governance quality and the quality of transportation infrastructure had a positive and significant relationship with the industrial products export advantage index. Also, the coefficients of the real exchange rate and foreign direct investment are also positive and significant. Based on the results, institutional quality and good governance through creating a stable environment and reducing costs ultimately lead to improving the export advantage in industrial production. Based on the results, policy stability, transparency of laws and contracts, attention to property rights, as well as decisiveness and speed of contract enforcement are suggested.
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