The theme of sustainability in the poetry of Hamid Sabzevari and Mousavi Garmarodi
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبیhassan habibi 1 , Tahereh Khabbazi 2 , Msoumeh Khodadadi Mahabad 3
1 - Ph.D. student of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Varamin Pishwa branch.Varamin. Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of persian Language and Literature Department, Varamin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Varamin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Iran
Keywords: Sustainability literature, Mousavi Garmarodi, Hamid Sabzevari, Islamic revolution and holy defense,
Abstract :
Sustainability Lierature under the influence of religions and national movments and with advent of the Islamic Revolution and the accurence of the imposed war and the need for sacred defense, became more prevalent and many committed poets and writers They expressed stability in their works.Hamid Sabzevari and Mousavi Garmaroudi are two famous poets of ritual, sustainability , and the Islamic Revolution literature who are active in this field. They have been used most of the poetic formats in the service of sustainability literature and have written poetry for every occasion in the Islamic Revolution, and for this reason they are known as revolutionary poets.We are looking for the question: what factors have played a role in the formation of the idea of sustainability of these two poets and what are the most important themes of sustainability in the poems of these two? We came to this point that the two poets' view of sustainability is close to each other and in the field of sustainability literature, such as: jihad, self-sacrifice and martyrdom, philosophy of waiting and the epic of Ashura, right-seeking, colonialism and arrogance, especially after the victory of the revolution in their poems .The role of the people in creating this thinking is remarkable. The people of Iran, who have long made oppression their top priority and have revolted against the in humanity everywhere.This spirit has created a harmonious heartbeat and pen, faith and a beautiful rhythm in the works of these two, which is based on truth-seeking and reflection of pains and ideals.
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