Reviewing and analyzing the story elements of Tangsir Sadegh Chubak’s novel Based on the classic and modern elements story writing
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
ali keshavarz gadimi
javad taheri
lida namdar
1 - Ph.D. Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University of Khodabandah, Khodabandah, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University of Abhar, Abhar, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University of Khodabandah, Khodabandah, Iran
Keywords: Tangsir, Sadegh Chubak, composite time, transformed characters, linear and artistic characters,
Abstract :
The modern novel is a new form of writing that always seeks to find emotions, vague mental impressions and the escape of people and then convey them from an objective and impartial point of view that belongs neither to the narrator nor to the reader. A writing that lacks transparency, explanation of values, principles of traditional order, humanitarian descriptions, politics, etc. Factors such as uncertainty, absence of cause and effect relationships, presentation of new topics, defamiliarization of traditional concepts of the text, ambiguity and complexity, serious presence of the reader are the components that exist in the structure of this new literary form, some of which can be compared in Tangsir's novel. Sadegh is Chobak. In a way, Chubak's language and writing in Tangsir is intended to create a new concept that has a mixed approach to challenge the originality of the traditional language. Chobek's unique form and techniques in Tangsir, including mixed time, linear and discrete plot, multi-instrumental beginning, closed ending, evolved characters, presenting a new concept, monologues are components that can be used in two classical and modern story structures. compared writing. The purpose of this research is to compare the modern and classic novel components in Tangsir Sadeq Chubak in a descriptive-analytical way and in a library way. The findings of the research show that Chubak is a modernist writer because he was able to present a new form of writing that was unprecedented until then with the influence of the modern literature of the world and his inherent genius. Also, the findings of his research show that Chubak sometimes used composite time in the novel Tangsir and brought it close to the flow of the mind, which is a completely new method, and he even tried to break the linear pattern in parts of the novel and make it discrete and Provide art.
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