An Adoptive Analysis on the Romanticism Components in the Poems of Ahmad Shamlu and Nazar Ghabani
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
Shima Sadeghi Benis
Masoumeh Sadeghi
1 - M.A of adoptive literature,Garmsar Islamic Azad University
2 - Assistant professor,Garmsar Islamic University
Keywords: romanticism, adoptive literature, Ahmad Shamlu, Nazar Ghabani,
Abstract :
Combining the literary thoughts and the poetic concepts of poets from different nations have been the wonders of literature regardless the the reflection of poem and literature on one specific nation. One of the functions of adoptive literature is to consider the effets,similarities and differences. The present research is based on analytical-descriptive method and founded on American adoptive literature. The literary motifs of Ahmad Shamlu the Persian poet, and Nazar Ghabani,the Arab poet, have been studied in this article. The most important indicators of romanticism include imaginatio,individualism,turning to nature,love and thinking to death. Thus,they have been adopted in the poems of the two poets. The findings of the research indicate that the two poets have had deep power of imagination. Nazar has been more successful to apply the poetic surface structure and poetic techniques.While,Shamlu has been more successful to affect his imagination on the words meanings and creating different concept and the deep structure. Other indications of romanticism on their poets is returning to nature and mingling love with nature.However,the type of love that Shamlu learned by nature is to love all humans,but Nazar thinks that it makes him feel closer to his lover. On another word;Iranian poets have a vast and global look toward nature ,whereas the Arab poet has a subjective and limited look. Moreover,the two poets have considered individualism and self- exploration in their poems
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