Assessing Criterions of Religious Beliefs Rationality in Comprehensive Approach
Subject Areas : Epistemological researches
1 - Associate professor of philosophy, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: religious beliefs, Rationality, The Web of Belief, Comprehensive Approach,
Abstract :
Assessing of theoretical and practical rationality of religious beliefs system is of the most significant duties and functions of philosophy of religion which is led to common rational understanding of religions. In this case, in this paper, is selected comprehensive approach in which inductively is used different criterions for evaluating the rationality of religious beliefs. Some of these criterions are included of possibility to argue them based on logical proofs, universality and being global, stability and changeability, internal coherency, simplicity and complexity, having suitable practical results, independent of religious texts authority, being under influences of epistemic and social factors and so on that have their own magnificence. Using these criterions in our comprehensive approach indicates that the totality of religious beliefs system have different levels of theoretical and practical rationality. Based on this fact, we can divide religious beliefs system into three groups, including fundamental, intermediate and marginal beliefs, that in this division, fundamental beliefs have the highest levels of rationality, marginal beliefs have the lowest levels of rationality, and intermediate beliefs are places between them. Now by considering the central place of fundamental beliefs, and then intermediate ones in second place is recommended to focus mostly on fundamental ones regarding interfaith dialogues and extending coexistence and peace between followers of divine religions and Islamic denominations, since most of divine religions believers and theists have common understanding concerning them. Regarding interfaith dialogue among Islamic denominations, of course, it should be extend believers common understanding of intermediate beliefs.
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