Feminism and Democracy in the Passage of History
Subject Areas : International Relations
Mohammad Towhidfam
Lila Eisavand
1 - Graduated from the Faculty of Political Science graduate of regional studies, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch...
2 - MA in Political Science, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: history, democracy, Key Words: Feminism, Post Modernism, post modern,
Abstract :
Abstract During the twentieth century, many social movements that took shape was one of the women's movement and causes many changes in the status of women. Later, feminist women's movement and was named to the enormous changes that have been experienced three waves of feminism have been called. The first wave of the women's movement began in 1850 and lasted until 1920. In this era of political freedom to women won the right to vote. The second wave women's movement began in 1920 and lasted until 1980, women in this period to some legal reforms were influenced by the trends were at the time and Marxist feminism, socialist and radical of those requirements. The third wave started from the 1980s and continues to this day’s Claim that the third waves of cultural structures have an impact on their communities. Feminism of the past to the dominant male-dominated, particularly in the funds has drawn criticism. Feminists claim that human knowledge has been able to open a new perspective. The struggle against the domination of men in political, social, cultural and economic mission of women in the three waves of feminism. Feminists believe that freedom and democracy ordained destiny of all human.
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