Violation of Humanitarian’s Law in the 33 days war according to International Regulations
Subject Areas : International Relations
Bijan Nayeri
Alireza Motevalli
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Department of Political Science
2 - Graduate Master of International Relations Faculty of Political Science, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: Israel, Key Words:The 33 days war, International Regulations, Humanitarian’s Law, Hezbollah,
Abstract :
Abstract After hostage-taking of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah forces, military of Zionist regime started an expanding attack on Lebanon from July 12, 2006. By this invasion, Israel ridiculed the human rights specially; conventions of Geneva, 1949 and its’ two affixed protocols and security councils’ treaty of united nation’s organization and didn’t notice them. Israel called this invasion as a kind of defense in order to justify it. The slaughter of hundreds of women and Childs who has no interferes in war and ruination of areas far from incident field and quarrel and other war crimes which Israel committed during one month, is an example of this regims’50 years’ patent defect of international law and human right which shows invalidity of international documents and forums. The 33days war which started with Israel invasion to Lebanon ,and ended with 1701 treaty confirmation of security council and accepting cease fire between Hezbollah and Israel, is able to be considered and analyzed. The defense operations and brilliant victory of Islamic resistance of Lebanon with Hezbollah leading against expanded and cruel invasion of Zionist regime, is an outstanding sample and rhetoric dispute in current age from the aspect of postmodernism innovation revolt of people against a regime which is armed and equipped with most advanced armament technology. A war which was supposed to be ended in a short time by victory of Zionist regime, became a great defeat of this regime and destabilized and shook the pillar of security doctrine and its’ war strategy of fast war. The 33 days war of Israel against Hezbollah was an important lesson which will be more effective on future wars.
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