Manuscript ID : RS-1506-1010 (R6)
Visit : 126
Page: 325 - 335
Article Type:
Original Research
Identifying Carbon Sequestration Hotspots in Semiarid Rangelands (Case study: Baghbazm region of Bardsir city, Kerman province)
Subject Areas :
Relationship between Animal and Rangeland
Azam Khosravi Moshizi
Gholam Ali Heshmati
Abdol Rassoul Salman Mahiny
1 - Agriculture science and Natural Resources University of Gorgan
2 - Agriculture science and Natural Resources University of Gorgan
3 - Agriculture science and Natural Resources University of Gorgan
Received: 2015-07-22
Accepted : 2015-10-20
Published : 2015-10-01
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