Effects of Cutting Days on Yield, Morphological and Quality Traits of Three Grass Species under Irrigation Conditions in Mecha District, Ethiopia
Tobiyaw Tsegaye
Department of Animal Production, EIAR, Werer Agricultural Research Center, P. O. Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ashenafi Mengistu
Department of Animal Production, College veterinary medicine and Agriculture, Addis Ababa University, Bishoftu, Ethiopia
Yeshambel Chekol
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Department of Animal Sciences, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
Abstract :
Effects of Cutting Interval on Morphological Parameters, Biomass Yield and Chemical Composition of Para (Brachairia mutica), Napier (Pennisetum purpureum) and Desho (Pennisetum pedicellatum) Grasses Grown Under Irrigation Condition in Mecha District, Ethiopia
Abstract. This study was aimed to study the effects of cutting interval on plant height, number of tillers per plant, number of leaves per plant and leaf to stem ratio of the grasses, and to study the effects of cutting interval on dry matter yield and chemical composition of the grasses under irrigation condition in Mecha, Ethiopia; with three kinds of grasses namely Para (Brachiaria mutica Stapf.), Napier (Pennisetum purpureum), and Desho (Pennisetum pedicellatum) at three harvesting dates (60, 90,120). The experimental design was random complete block design with three replications giving a total of nine plots. Data on morphological parameters of the grasses were recorded at each harvesting dates. The grasses were first harvested after 60 days of regrowth; second and third harvests were done after consecutive 30 days of re-growth. All harvested data were laid open to GLM ANOVA procedures of SAS version 9.0. Based on the data collected, harvesting age was significantly affected the morphological parameters of the grasses; Plant height (PH), the number of tillers per plant (NTPP), and the number of leaves per plant (NLPP) were increased with increasing harvesting age, whereas cutting interval showed a non-significant effect on a leaf to stem ratio (LSR) of the grasses. Although cutting interval had a significant effect on dry matter yield (DMY), ash content, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and acid detergent lignin content of the grasses. It was concluded that Napier grass produces a higher forage yield among the three grasses and longer harvesting intervals result in increased forage yield and decrease nutrient composition in all the studied grasses. Further research is needed to be conducted over much longer periods to determine to what extent these findings relate to performance over the life of a permanent pasture.
Key words: Chemical composition, cutting interval, dry matter yield, improved grass, morphological parameters
Livestock feed resources in Ethiopia are mainly obtained from natural and improved pastures, crop residues, agro-industrial by-products, and non-conventional feeds (Zereu and Lijalem, 2016). The contribution of these feed resources, though, depends upon the agro-ecology, the type of crop produced, and accessibility and production system. More than 90% of livestock feed is crop residues and natural pasture in Ethiopia. Both of which are either unavailable in sufficient quantities due to fluctuating weather conditions or are accessible but in poor quality that they do not provide adequate nutrition for sustainable animal production. Animal feed shortage remains the main constraint on herd size and productivity in both the lowlands and highlands of Ethiopia (Asmare et al., 2017).
The shortage of feed can be solved through the introduction and utilization of adaptable and high-yielding cultivated forage crops with better nutritional values than the current feed resources in the country (Kefyalew et al., 2020). Using improved forages would decrease the burden on natural pastures; improve soil fertility and reduce erosion. Therefore there is a need to evaluate suitable forage species or cultivars to address the feed shortage challenge. Among the improved forage species recommended in Ethiopia; Para, Napier and Desho grasses play a significant role (Kefyalew et al., 2020; Zemene et al., 2020).
For most forage cutting interval has been shown to influence the morphological parameters, biomass yield, and nutritive value of herbage (Ansa and Garjila, 2019). According to the same source, cutting interval affects forage production, re-growth potential, and species survival; and shorter cutting intervals result in weak and thinner stands because of reduced carbohydrate reserves for regrowth.
Farmers do not have enough information on optimal management practices for Para grass (Zemene et al., 2020), Napier grass (Rambau et al., 2016) and Desho grass (Kefyalew et al., 2020). Although the potential of those grasses for increasing pasture and animal productivity is well known, it is important to understand the effects of cutting intervals on morphological parameters, biomass yield, and chemical composition of Para, Napier and Desho grasses. The optimization of productivity and nutritive value of grasses can be achieved by forage management (Mengistu et al., 2016). The previous study reported that cutting interval affecting morphological parameters, dry matter yield, and chemical composition of para and Napier grasses under rain-fed conditions (Tilahun et al., 2017; Zemene et al., 2020). On the other hand, Kefyalew et al. (2020) reported that cutting intervals affect morphological parameters, dry matter yield, and chemical composition of Desho grass under irrigation condition. However, scientific evidence regarding plant height, the number of tillers per plant, the number of leaves per plant, and the dry matter yield, and chemical composition of Para, Napier and Desho grasses in response to different cutting intervals is limited. Therefore, the present study was carried out with the following specific objectives; To study the effect of cutting interval on plant height, number of tillers per plant, number of leaves per plant, and leaf to stem ratio of Para, Napier and Desho grasses under irrigation conditions; and To study the effect of cutting interval on biomass yield and chemical composition of Para, Napier and Desho grasses under irrigation conditions.
The study was conducted at Koga irrigation site in Kudemi Kebele, Mecha Woreda of West Gojjam zone in Amhara Regional State (Figure 1). It is located about 525 kilo meters northwest of Addis Ababa and 34 kilo meters southeast of Bahir Dar, the capital city of the Amhara Region. In Mecha Woreda, the climatic condition alternates between summer rainfall and dry season with mean annual rainfall ranging between 1500 and -2200mm.The mean temperature ranges between 24 and -27 0C and the altitude range from 1800 to 2500 m.a.s.l. Agriculture is the main economic activity in the study area. The main agricultural activities at present practiced include irrigation (modern and traditional) and mixed farming. The major crops grown in the area includes maize, teff, wheat and other legume groups. In this Woreda, there are 192, 556 cattle, 148, 971 ovine, 23, 106 equine and 204, 181 poultry (Mecha Woreda Agriculture Office unpublished report).
Fig. 1. Map of study area adapted from MDOA, 2019
Experimental design and treatments
The experiment was conducted under irrigation from November 2020 to February 2021 after two years of establishment. During establishment year the experimental land was first ploughed and cleared of weeds and then back-hoed, three times before subdividing it into blocks and plots, this was done before planting of grasses. After planting, DAP and Urea fertilizers were applied to each grass species based on the recommendation of (Cameron and Lemcke 2008). Weeds were controlled by hand weeding to avoid intervention by interspecific competition. Weeding was done early and then two times per month until the final harvesting was accomplished, to eliminate regrowth of undesirable plants and removal of the dry root to stimulate fodder re-growth by increasing soil exposure to air. The experiment was arranged using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The total area of the experiment was 108m² (9m *12m). The plot size of each grass species was 12 m² (3 m x 4 m) by excluding the outer row on both sides of each plot row length 0.25 m and 0.5 m row width were subtracted during planting on both ends of the rows to avoid probable border effects. With a 1m path between blocks, a 0.5 m path between the plots and plants. There were three blocks; resulting in nine plots from nine plots each grass species has three plots, each plot had six rows and in each row, there were eight plants. The experiment has a total of three grass species namely Para; Napier and Desho grasses were compared at three harvesting dates (60, 90 and 120 days). During the experimental periods, the field was irrigated with furrow two times per week throughout the growth period and weeding was done once per week.
Data collection and sampling procedure
The data were collected after 60 days of regrowth. Data on morphological parameters and forage yield were recorded at each cutting interval. Six randomly selected plants in each species were randomly selected to record Plant height (PH), the number of tiller per plant (NTPP), the total number of leaves per plant (TLPP), and leaf to stem ratio (LSR).
Data collected from 6 representative samples plants were randomly taken and properly record as follows.
Plant height
Plant height was measured on the primary bud from the soil surface to the base of the top-most leaf using a meter designated by (Rayburn et al., 2007). This was done on the same for plants tagged. Measurement of plant height was undertaken immediately before the time of biomass harvest, at the end of each of the three cutting intervals. From the total of six rows within each plot, an entire of four rows was selected by eliminating the two border rows and then six tillers were randomly selected for the measurement of plant height at an interval of 30 days from 60 days after regrowth to upto120 days of harvesting date.
The number of tillers
The number of tillers was counted from the sample of six plants at 60, 90 and120 days of cutting intervals of the experimental plot area. Mean was calculated and then the total number of leaves per plant was estimated from the tiller number per plant and leaf number per tiller. The main stem was not included to calculate the total tillers per plant.
Leaf to stem ratio
Sample taken from each harvesting date was properly weighed and the fresh leaves and stems of each of the six harvested plants were separated by using hand and weighed by sensitive balance. After individual plant measurements, stems and leaves were bulked separately, then leaf to stem ratio (LSR) was estimated by dividing fresh leaf weight to fresh stem weight.
Dry matter yield
After harvesting the middle four rows, the total biomass yield was determined using a spring balance from each plot at each harvesting date. The dry matter yield (DMY) was determined at the end of every harvesting day. Based on DM % and fresh biomass yield from the sample area of each plot were used to calculate total dry matter yields for each plot, thereafter, converted to metric tons per hectare (Gelayenew et al. 2019).
The dry matter yield (DMY t/ha) was calculated using the following formula. DMY (t/ha) = TFW*(DSW/HA*FSW)*10 where, TFW = total fresh weight kg/plot, DSW = dry sample weight in grams, FSW = fresh sample Weight in grams, HA = Harvest plot area in square meters and 10 is a constant for conversion of yields in kg/m2 to t/ha.
During sampling, the four rows at the middle of each plot were cut five Cm above the ground from each block, excluding border rows then freshly harvesting plant samples were chopped into small pieces up to 1-2 cm to facilitate drying and weighed for their fresh weight right in the field. Sample taken from each harvesting stage were thoroughly mixed and 400 g sample was taken and dried under open air until constant dry matter weight is attained. After drying, all samples were ground to pass a 1-mm Wiley mill screen and stored in an airtight container for different chemical analyses.
Samples of each treatment were subjected to chemical analysis for determination of dry matter following the methods of (AOAC 1999). Forage quality measurements such as determination of crude protein (Kjeldhal-N×6.25), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) were analyzed using (Van Soest et al. 1991). Ash was determined by igniting at 550 oC overnight, total DM by drying at 105oC and N by the auto-analyzer (Chemlab, 1984). All the chemical analyses were done in continuous (at Bahir Dar University Animal Nutrition Laboratory).
The collected data were managed and organized with MS-Excel 2010. All data collected were statistically analyzed using General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS 2004) for least square one way analysis of variance. Differences among treatment means were considered statistically significant at a 0.5% significance level using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The following statistical model was used for the analysis of data.
Yi= µ + CIi+ ei
Where, Yi = the observed morphological characteristics (Plant height, Number of tillers/plant, Number of leaves/plant, Leaf to steam ratio), biomass yield and chemical composition of the grass species in the ith cutting interval
µ = overall mean
CIi = the effect of ith cutting interval (i = 60, 90 and 120 days)
ei= standard error of the mean
Effect of cutting interval on morphological parameters of Para (Brachairia muticastapf), Napier (Pennisetum purpureum) and Desho (Pennisetum pedicellatum) grasses grown under irrigation condition
In the present study, the effect of cutting interval on plant morphological parameters of Para, Napier and Desho grasses are presented in Table 1. The finding indicated that except for Leaf to stem ratio (LSR) (P>0.05); Plant height (PH), Number of tillers per plant (NTPP), and Number of leaves per plant (NLPP) of Para, Napier and Desho grasses were significantly affected by cutting interval. The overall results of the study show that a maximum number of PH, NTPP and NLPP were recorded for later cutting intervals (120 days) than for the shorter cutting interval (60 days and 90 days). Desho grass recorded generally higher tiller numbers than Para and Napier throughout the growth period. Mean tiller numbers were highest for Para, Napier and Desho at 120 days. At 120 days Desho (236 tillers/ plant) recorded the highest tiller numbers followed by Para (183 tillers/ plant) but Napier (46 tillers/ plant) was among the lowest in tiller number. The Para grass recorded generally higher leaf numbers than Desho and Napier grasses throughout the growth period. Mean leaf numbers were highest for Para, Desho and Napier at 120 days of cutting interval. At 120 days Para grass (2366.7 NLPP) recorded the highest leaf numbers, Desho (1588.4 NLPP) but Napier (414.88 NLPP) was the lowest in leaf number.
Table 1. Effects of cutting interval on morphological parameters of Para, Napier and Desho grasses
| Grasses | ||
Parameters | Cutting interval | Para | Napier | Desho |
PH (cm) | 60 | 43.15c | 101.99b | 28.95b |
90 | 60.4b | 107.5b | 39.2ab | |
120 | 75a | 151.9a | 45.3a | |
SEM | 1.74 | 6.49 | 4.42 | |
Sig. | *** | ** | ** | |
NTPP | 60 | 148.8b | 40.48b | 149b |
90 | 153.2b | 43.7ab | 181b | |
120 | 183a | 45.88a | 236a | |
SEM | 6.35 | 1.32 | 10.35 | |
Sig. | * | * | ** | |
NLPP | 60 | 1336c | 267.5b | 894.8c |
90 | 1563.7b | 325ab | 1199.4b | |
120 | 2366.7a | 414.88a | 1588.4a | |
SEM | 9.6 | 3.8 | 3.5 | |
Sig. | ** | * | ** | |
LSR | 60 | 1.15a | 2.4a | 1.37a |
90 | 1.1a | 2.3a | 1.2a | |
120 | 1.1a | 2.3a | 1.2a | |
SEM | 0.15 | 0.27 | 0.22 | |
Sig. | NS | NS | NS |
PH = plant height; NTPP = number of tillers per plant; NLPP = number of leaves per plant; LSR = Leaf to Stem Ratio; NS= non-significant; SEM= standard error of mean; Sig lev =significance level; * = significant at 0.05; ** = significant at 0.01; *** = significant at 0.001.
Effects of cutting interval on chemical composition and yield of Para, Napier and Desho grasses grown under irrigation condition
Table 2 below shows the chemical composition of three different harvesting days of Para, Napier and Desho grasses. In the current study the dry matter yield, Neutral detergent fiber (NDF), Acid detergent fiber (ADF) and Acid detergent lignin (ADL) increased with an increase in harvesting days (60<90<120days) whereas the crude protein showed a decreasing trend with increase in harvesting days (60>90>120days). The CP content of Para, Napier and Desho grasses were 13.1%, 10.5%, 8.0%; 13.2%, 9.5%, 7.9% and 13.4%, 9.16%, 7.73% in the first, second and third cuttings, respectively. The average ash contents of Para, Napier and Desho grasses were 15.1, 15.24, 13.92 % in the first cutting; 13.9, 13.2, 13 % in the second cutting, and 12.8, 11.3 and 12.16% in the third cutting, respectively.
Table 2. The effects of cutting interval on chemical composition and dry matter yield of Para, Napier and Desho grasses
| Parameters | ||||||
Grasses | Cutting interval | DM (%) | Ash (%) | CP (%) | NDF (%) | ADF (%) | ADL (%) | DMY(t/ha) |
Para | 60 | 90.42b | 15.1a | 13.1a | 65.6c | 34.97b | 5.0c | 4.3b |
90 | 90.96b | 13.9ab | 10.5b | 67.7b | 36.7a | 5.65b | 8.1a | |
120 | 92.34a | 12.8c | 8.0c | 69.0a | 37.1a | 5.97a | 9.57a | |
SEM | 0.18 | 0.45 | 0.3 | 0.23 | 0.19 | 0.09 | 0.88 | |
Sig. | ** | * | *** | *** | ** | ** | * | |
Napier | 60 | 90.24b | 15.24a | 13.2a | 64.13c | 37.1c | 5.7b | 12.5b |
90 | 90.57b | 13.2b | 9.5b | 64.86b | 38.43b | 5.7b | 14.6a | |
120 | 91.24a | 11.3c | 7.9c | 65.36a | 40a | 6.5a | 16.2a | |
SEM | 0.17 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.1 | 0.37 | 0.47 | 0.18 | |
Sig. | ** | ** | *** | ** | * | * | * | |
Desho | 60 | 90.42b | 13.92a | 13.4a | 75.12 | 38.15b | 8.89b | 5.5c |
90 | 90.5b | 13b | 9.16b | 77.21 | 39.3ab | 9.52b | 6.6b | |
120 | 91.66a | 12.16b | 7.73c | 78.7 | 40.5a | 10.7a | 8.6a | |
SEM | 0.25 | 0.3 | 0.26 | 0.44 | 0.57 | 0.24 | 0.37 | |
Sig. | * | * | *** | ** | * | * | * |
DM=dry matter; CP= Crude protein; NDF= Neutral detergent fiber; ADF= Acid detergent fiber; ADL= Acid detergent lignin; DMY (t/ha) = Dry matter yield tone per hectare; SEM= standard error of mean; Sig lev =significance level; * = significant at 0.05; ** = significant at 0.01; *** = significant at 0.001.
Effect of cutting interval on morphological parameters of Para (Brachairia muticastapf), Napier (Pennisetum purpureum) and Desho (Pennisetum pedicellatum) grasses grown under irrigation condition
Plant height (PH) increased progressively with enhanced age of harvesting date and this is supported with the finding of Rambau et al. (2016) on Napier grass. This is because PH in grasses is greatly influenced by the developmental stage of the plant. An increase in PH at 120 days of cutting is due to substantial root development and subsequent improvement in nutrient uptake for continued increase in plant height. The estimated boost in PH at maturity is consistent with research results of Tilahun et al. (2017) who also reported similar results for Desho grass. The recorded plant heights for the three grasses indicated that Napier was with the highest (151.9cm) followed by Para (75cm) and the least was for Desho (45.3cm) at 120 days of cutting interval. Mustaring et al. (2014) reported greater plant height for Brachiaria mutica followed by Brachiaria brizantha and Brachiaria Mulato at 8 weeks of harvesting. However, the results obtained from the current study were lower than that reported by Mustaring et al. (2014); Zemene et al. (2020) for Para grass. This variation may be due to the difference in their species, soil fertility, maturity stage and weather condition.
More number of tillers was found in Desho (236) followed by Para (183) and the least were observed in Napier (46) at the latest harvesting age (120 days). It is supported by Rambau et al. (2016) who stated that as the plants approached maturity more tillers would develop. As studied by Rambau et al. (2016) the mean tiller number of Napier grass was lower than the current study. According to Zemene et al. (2020), the number of tillers for Para grass was increased with increased harvesting dates. Therefore, the results of the current study agree with the reports of Rambau et al. (2016); Mihret et al. (2018) and Zemene et al. (2020); for Napier, Desho and Para grasses, respectively. There was a significant effect on the total number of leaves per plant of Para, Napier and Desho grasses in all harvesting dates. Due to an increase in the tiller number of grasses the first, second and third cutting intervals significantly increased the number of leaves per plant. Greater numbers of leaves per plant were recorded for Para, Napier and Desho grasses at a late stage of maturity (120 days) cutting interval. This result was higher than the values reported by Manyawu et al. (2003); Tilahun et al. (2017) and Zemene et al. (2020) for Napier, Desho and Para grasses, respectively. In the current study, the cutting interval had no significant (P>0.05) effect on the leaf to stem ratio of the studied grasses. But cutting interval had a significant difference in leaf to stem ratio of the studied grasses numerically. The reason for this might be the accumulation of more cell wall components in plant tissues as a result of stem development with advancing maturity.
Effect of cutting interval on chemical composition and forage dry matter yield of Para (Brachairia muticastapf), Napier (Pennisetum purpureum), and Desho (Pennisetum pedicellatum) grasses grown under irrigation condition
In the present study, the dry matter yield increased as the grass aged, and a higher dry matter yield was observed at the late stage of maturity. This is because, as grass matures, forage yield is increased due to the rapid rise in the tissues of the plant, development of extra tillers and formation and elongation leaves, and stem development with increasing harvesting age. This idea is supported by Ansah et al. (2010) and Rambau et al. (2016), who reported that the DMY increased as Napier grass maturity increased. Similarly, as reported by Zemene et al. (2020) the dry matter yield of para grass was increased with increased cutting intervals. Tilahun et al. (2017) and Kefyalew et al. (2020) reported that the dry matter yield of Desho grass increased with increase cutting intervals. Therefore, the present study was in agreement with the report by Ansah et al. (2010); Rambau et al. (2016) for Napier; with Tilahun et al. (2017); Kefyalew et al. (2020) for Desho and with Zemene et al. (2020) for Para grasses.
In the current study, there was a significant difference on the ash content of Para, Napier and Desho grasses in different cuttings. The ash content of the grasses was reduced with an increase in age of maturity. This was due to, as grasses mature, the mineral content drops due to a natural watering process and translocation of minerals to the roots. Therefore, current result is in line with Ansah et al. (2010) for Napier grass; Tilahun et al. (2017); Kefyalew et al. (2020) for Desho and Zemene et al. (2020) for Para grass. Contrary to current findings, Rambau et al. (2016) found that plant maturity did not affect the ash content of Napier grass. Kitaba and Tamir (2007) also reported that ash content tended to increase as harvesting progressed. Therefore, the current study disagrees with the report by Kitaba and Tamir (2007).
As expected, CP was highest in the early stage compared with the intermediate and late stages of maturity. This was due to a growth reduction effect with an increase in structural carbohydrate content of forage materials harvested at late maturity reducing the percentage of protein in the forage. Grasses harvested at an early stage of maturity in this study had the best nutritional value, particularly highest CP content. Even forage cut at 120 days interval had CP concentrations well above 7.0%, which is the level below which voluntary intake of ruminants might be depressed. However, harvesting at the early stage resulted in low DM yields. This result is in line with the results of Tudsri et al. (2002); Ansah et al. (2010); reported for Napier grass; Tilahun et al. (2017) and Kefyalew et al. (2020) reported for Desho grass and Zemene et al. (2020) reported for Para grass.
As would be expected, the NDF, ADF and ADL contents increased with forage maturity increases. The late-stage had the highest lignin content; this implies that forages from later stages of growth in grasses are going to be with lower quality as higher levels of lignification result in reduced digestibility. This result agrees with Rambau et al. (2016) for Napier grass, Zemene et al. (2020) for Para, Tilahun et al. (2017) and Kefyalew et al. (2020) for Desho grasses reported that the NDF, ADF and ADL content increase progressively as forage maturity increased. Similarly, the findings for ADL agree with the studies of Bayble (2007) and Aganga et al. (2005). They observed increased ADL with progressive stages of maturity. Therefore, forages with lower ADL concentrations are more desired for healthy and functional rumen.
From the results of the current study, it has been concluded that Napier grass produces a higher forage yield among the three grasses and longer harvesting intervals result in increased forage yield in all the studied grasses. However, forage quality as expressed in terms of crude protein value progressively declines. Therefore, under conditions where protein is not a limiting nutrient in practical feeding, letting the grass stands to regrow for a longer period would guarantee increases in forage yield. Cutting at 90 days of the grass stands yields reasonably good quantity and quality of fodder from the studied grass species. Further research is needed to be conducted over much longer periods to determine to what extent these findings relate to performance over the life of a permanent pasture. It could be advisable to be adopted by farmers who grow elephant grass as livestock feed.
The first author acknowledges Werer Agricultural Research Center (EIAR), for allowing her to pursue MSc study.
Ethics approval
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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