Identifying and Analyzing the Factors Affecting Consumer Experience by MicMac (Case Study: Iran Electronic Retailers)
Subject Areas : business management
Faezeh Hedayat Nazari
Zohreh Dehdashti Shahrokh
sina Nematizadeh
1 - Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: "Electronic Commerce", "experience", "customer experience", "Electronic Retailer", " Mic Mac",
Abstract :
Nowadays with changes in e-commerce, electronic retailing ultimate goal is to promote the customers ‘experience; and the purpose of this study is identifying the factors influencing the experience in e-retailers. Therefore, in this qualitative and applied research, first by studying literature and previous researches, the initial factors were extracted and, in the next step, the data were gathered through exploratory interviews. The interviews were conducted with the aim of completing and modifying the list of factors affecting the experience of customers in e-retailing. The statistical population of the research is the scientific and executive experts in the electronic retailing’s field called informed experts. The method of sampling was judgmental sampling which by using snowball sampling method; 15 experts were selected and participated in the interviews. Data from the interviews were first analyzed by content analysis and then were evaluated by MicMac. Thus, 31 variables were identified and were extracted in 13 factors. The results of the Cross Impact Matrix showed that the key variables affecting consumer experience in e-retailers are: marketing mix, ease of use and entertainment, providing information, customer skills, technical attribute, communication, service, trust making and visual factors. Finally, practical solutions were introduced to managers of electronic retailers.