Liquidity Shock, Financial Flexibility and Dividends adjustment speed in Tehran Stock Exchange
Subject Areas :Esfandiar Malekian 1 , Maryam Ghorbani 2 , Seyyed Morteza Nabavian 3
1 - Department of Accounting, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran. Corresponding Author.
2 - Department of Accounting, Samangan Institute of Higher Education
3 - Department of Accounting, Knowledge Higher Education Institute, Babol, Mazandaran, Iran
Keywords: Keywords: Unused Debt Capacity, Marginal Value of Cash, Dividends Adjustment Speed, Dividend Smoothing and Financial Flexibility,
Abstract :
Abstract The present study examines the relationship between marginal value of cash and unused debt capacity on the dividend’s adjustment speed, considering the role of Liquidity shock moderation. In order to measure the dividends adjustment speed, which is a benchmark for dividend smoothing, the rolling window regressions based on the Lintner model was used Dijang et al and Faulkender and Wang method is applied for measuring the marginal value of cash and unused debt capacity, which is an indicator for measuring financial flexibility. According to the research constraints, 105 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during the period of 2011-2020 have been investigated. The Research's findings show that the marginal value of cash and unused debt capacity does not have a significant effect on the dividend’s adjustment speed. Also, the Liquidity shock has no effect on the relationship between the marginal value of cash and unused debt capacity on the dividend’s adjustment speed. According to the results, in justifying the positive relationship between the Marginal Value of Cash and the Dividends adjustment speed, it can be said that any Firm with a higher Financial Flexibility would face a lower overall risk and improve managers' performance when using Growth and investment opportunities, and ultimately, their Dividend Smoothing is higher. Also, in justifying the negative relationship between Unused Debt Capacity and the Dividends adjustment speed, it can be said that any Firm with a higher Unused Debt Capacity has a lower Dividend Smoothing.
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