The Effect of Accounting Earning Growth on Macroeconomic Indicator
Subject Areas :محسن عرب زاده 1 , ناصر ایزدی نیا 2 , سعید صمدی 3
1 - گروه حسابداری/ دانشکده علوم اداری و اقتصاد/ دانشگاه اصفهان، اصفهان ، ایران
2 - گروه حسابداری، دانشگاه اصفهان، اصفهان، ایران.
3 - گروه اقتصاد، دانشگاه اصفهان، اصفهان، ایران.
Keywords: Keywords: Cumulative Accounting Earning, GDP Growth, the Future GDP Growth Forecast Errors,
Abstract :
The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of firms' cumulative accounting earning growth on macroeconomic indicators such as GDP and net investment in national accounts.In other words, the effect of firms' cumulative accounting earning growth on future GDP and net future investment and also the future GDP growth forecast errors and the future growth in net investment forecast errors has been studied.This research, in terms of purpose is a kind of applied research. The method is based on correlation and regression based on actual financial statements of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange and macroeconomic data such as GDP and net investment from national accounts.The statistical population of the study is all companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during the period 2005-2017.The results show that the firms' cumulative accounting earning has an impact on the growth of future GDP and net investment in national accounts. But the firms' cumulative accounting earning hasn’t an impact on the future GDP growth forecast errors and the future growth in net investment forecast errors.
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