Evaluation of Wayfinding Behavior in Women and Men with Emphasis on Emotional Intelligence
Subject Areas : Urbanism
shima abedi
toktam hanaee
1 - PhD student, Department of Urban Planning, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Urban Planning Department, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: emotional intelligence, gender, wayfinding, Mashhad City, Sajjad Neighborhood,
Abstract :
wayfinding behavior in the urban space under the influence of information received from the environment, including location identification in terms of position and correct perception of spatial relationships between environmental elements, makes it easier to determine the route. Different people use different strategies in wayfinding according to environmental conditions and individual characteristics, and also the wayfinding behavior of women and men in urban space is different. It is also effective in the perception process of how to recognize the environment, and different cognitive factors influence the wayfinding behavior of men and women. Emotional intelligence is one of the influential factors in the field of psychology and can be related to factors such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management and navigation. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the wayfinding behavior of women and men with an emphasis on emotional intelligence. The research method in the present study is descriptive-analytical, and in this regard, field observations, questionnaires, and site visits were used to collect data. Based on the size of the community in Sajjad neighborhood, using Cochran's formula, the sample size was calculated to be 296 people, and the questionnaire was completed in the form of targeted sampling among men and women. Data analysis for the effect of emotional intelligence on routing has been done with inferential statistics tests in spss software, and after checking the normality of the data based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the correlation matrix of the variables, checking the correlation coefficient of the wayfinding variables of men and women, t-test analysis has been The results indicate that the wayfinding behavior of women and men is different and women use route and sign knowledge in wayfinding , women control less anxiety and worry in the wayfinding process and also have less self-awareness than men. Also, women feel more intimacy and empathy in communicating in wayfinding, but they have problems in managing stress and have low ability, and in contrast to men, they use the knowledge of coordinates and wayfinding in navigation. Also, men's stress management is high, and men's self-awareness and self-management are higher.
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