Investigating the Effect of Using Peer Education in Reducing Academic Procrastination (An Educational Action Research)
Subject Areas : curriculum
jamal abdolmaleki
, Mohammad Ghafari Mejlej
1 - Ph.D. in educational management of Bu-Ali Sina University and primary teacher in Kurdistan province, Iran.
2 - Assistant professor, Department of Educational Management, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran
Keywords: Academic Procrastination, peer tutoring, educational interventions, participation in education,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to solve the problem of academic procrastination in two second grade elementary students in doing math homework using the method of mutual peer tutoring as a method of participation in education. The method of the study was action research. Therefore, the pre-test-post-test design with a sample was used to evaluate the effectiveness of peer tutoring in reducing academic procrastination and non-participation in doing math homework. The frequency and proportion of students 'academic procrastination before the action and after the action were compared to determine whether the action taken had a significant effect on reducing students' academic procrastination and non-participation or not. Data collection tools were second grade math textbooks and interviews. To analyze the data, frequency distribution tables, frequency ratio, graphs and t-test of two samples correlated with SPSS statistical software were used. Due to the significant decrease in the average ratio of students' academic procrastination from 0.911 before the action to 0.142 after the action at the alpha level 0.01 and positive interview results, it can be contended that peer tutoring has reduced academic procrastination in doing math homework in students and created motivation to participate in educational activities