Studying the Role of Subsidy Fertile at Dehaghan Urban Family Energy
Subject Areas : Bi-quarterly Journal of development economics and planningA. Hortamani 1 , A. Mirtalaee 2 , M. Karimkhani 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan Branch
2 - Master of Economic Systems Planning, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan Branch
3 - M.A of Economic Systems planning, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan branch, Iran
Keywords: energy consumption, subsidies, counstructed targeted,
Abstract :
This study examines household energy consumption (water, electricity and gas) before and after the subsidies have been investigated. The results of this research project show that the amount of any energy items (water, electricity and gas )has reduced significantly in the first six months of 1390(2011)in comparison with that of the same period in 1389(2010)In the next step of this research project the effect of some variables such as the number of the people in a family, as well as the educational status occupation and the gender of the head of the family has been investigated .The results indicate that regarding the electricity, the number of the people in a family and the occupation and the gender of the head of the family has had significant effects on the reduction of the amount of electricity consumed by the households. However the educational status of the head of the family as a variable have had no significant effect on the trend of consumption .Also, with respect to the water the performance of the related statistical experiments (tests)Showed that only the number of the people of the family (as a variable)has influenced the changes regarding the amount of consumed water by the household and other variables such as the gender or the occupation of the head of the family have had no significant effect on the process of the reduction of the consumption of water. At last, with respect to gas, none of the variables that is, the number of the people in a family, the occupation and the gender and the educational status of the head of the family have had no significant effect on the reduction of the consumption of gas.
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