Effect of geometry of laser surface texture and droplet volume on contact angle with Ti6Al4V substrate
Subject Areas :
Gholamreza Dabbagh
seyed khatiboleslam Sadrnejad
Reza Shoja Razavi
Amirabbas Nourbakhsh
Nahid Hassanzadeh Nemati
1 - 1Doctoral student, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
2 - Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran
3 - Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Malekashtar University of Technology, Tehran, 16788-15611,
4 - Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Material Science, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, 81656-63997,
5 - biomaterial, science and research branch
Keywords: Surface contact angle, Laser surface texturing, Intersecting lines angle, Droplet volume, Sessile droplet method,
Abstract :
Implant surface modification by creating laser surface texturing is the best known method to increase adhesion. The best pattern of laser surface texturing is still unknown. In order to investigate other features of the new pattern proposed by the authors, in this research, first, the new surface patterns of intersecting lines with angles of 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 degrees on the surface of Ti6Al4V alloy using pulse Nd: YAG laser was created. Then the contact angle of water droplets was measured by two methods: 1- recording and analyzing the image of the droplet and 2- using Extrand and Moon equations. Water droplets were selected in two volumes of 1 μlit and 25 μlit. Using metallurgical microscope, SEM, applying Wenzel and Cassie equations and drawing the corresponding diagrams, the effect of the angle between the lines, height, separation, and width of the surface texture columns on the contact angle of the droplet was investigated. The classical model of textures wettability was determined. The results showed for droplet with volume of 1 μlit the contact angle in both methods is almost constant and independent of the angle of the intersecting lines which is in good agreement with the results of previous researches. For droplet with volume of 25 μlit the contact angle in both methods is variable and dependent on the angle of the intersecting lines. The classical model of textures wettability in both droplet volumes is consistent with Wenzel's model.
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