Morphological Change of Kidney after Injection of the Biological Gold Nanoparticles in Wistar Rats
Subject Areas : Journal of Animal Biology
Behrooz Yahyaei
Parastoo Pourali
Maryam Hassani
1 - Department of Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch, Shahrood, Iran
2 - Department of Medical Sciences, Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
3 - Department of Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch, Shahrood, Iran
Keywords: Bacteria, Gold Nanoparticle, kidney, Cell toxicity,
Abstract :
Gold nanoparticles have different uses in medicine. Since the produced chemical nanoparticle is reviewed but the character of the biological one is not checked sufficiently. Therefore, this study on the poisonous effects of the cells in the produced biological nanoparticles is done on the rat’s kidney. After preparing bio-gold nanoparticles from Bucillus subtilis and sterilization bacteria, the nanoparticles were calculated in toxic and non-toxic doses and injected into rats at two doses in 48 hours. Then, after 24 hours, tissue sampling and histological examination were performed. The nonpoisonous nanoparticle injection caused the glomerulus to be smaller & contracted but the other assumes are normal. Nevertheless, the poison injection caused the glomerulus to be fewer in some parts. Dilatation and enlargement was seen in urine space and some glomeruli are smaller and more compressed. The kidneys tubules had no problems but there was a little hyperemia in interstitial space. The usage of biological nanoparticles via the non-biological one had little poisonous effects and the poisonous effects were dosage related.
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